Chapter 15

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Azriel had been sitting with his friends, all enjoying some off time together. Mor and Cassian were sharing a bottle of Rhysand's good wine, one of their favorite activities together. Amren had started staring out the window, thoughts swimming across her face, the same questions that were in his mind. They had debated how to bring up their findings to their two other friends, both acknowledging that they deserved to know. But Azriel was still processing what Clotho had said about him and the missing Princess.

He had been about to grab for the bottle when a chill passed through his body. It had felt like someone or something had stepped through him. The hairs on his body standing up and his body jerking out of his seat.

"Was there a disturbance in the force!" Cassian shot forward, grabbing Azriel's shoulders.

Azriel looked at him, "It felt like someone walked through me." He moved his gaze to Amren, "Like she used the shadows to travel somewhere."

Mor and Cassian looked at each other and then between the other two, "She?" Mor asked.

Azriel slowly nodded his head, "You guys remember how I said it felt something building?"

Cassian had sat back down, grabbing the bottle from Mor as they both nodded.

"Well, Amren felt it too, so we went down to the libraries. Clotho already had the librarians researching anything that it could be, and the only thing they came up with was an old, small book." He quietly told his friends about everything that had been discussed, Amren occasionally jumping in with her opinions.

Cassian and Mor looked pale in shock. The news of the possible princess hitting them hard, Azriel assuming the same thoughts were plaguing their minds, just as they did his. But he had to keep reminding himself, they didn't know she existed, there was no way for them to know. Her existence had been hidden from everyone.

Amren had thankfully left out any comments about her possibly being Azriel's mate, letting the male tell everyone when he was ready.


After Rhysand left, Tamlin had ordered everyone out of the room. Lucien and Feyre begrudgingly obeyed, Wren left at the nod of Astrid, the latter choosing to stay. She waited till Wren had shut the door before sitting down across from him.

They stared at each other for a while, green eyes challenging her purple and grey ones. Neither willing to yield to the other. Astrid knew the conversation they needed to have, the decision he needed to make. She had a feeling she knew what the deal with Amarantha had been. She didn't know the time frame on it, but by the desperation in his face and with Rhys's visit, she had a feeling it was coming up soon.

Soon enough, that she knew Feyre wouldn't be able to say the words they all needed her to say. Words she wouldn't be able to say if she was in Feyre's spot.

"What do you want Astrid." Tamlin growled.

Astrid leaned back in chair, far from in the mood for his bullshit, "We need to talk about Feyre."

"I know what I have to do..." He looked away, pain sparkling in his eyes.

"What is it you know you have to do then?" She raised an eyebrow.

"She needs to go back; it will be safer for her."

"But how long will it stay safe Tamlin? How long until she tries to finish what happened five hundred years ago with the war?" She leaned forward against the table now, her hardened gaze boring into the side of his head.

"What would you do then Astrid!" He turned and snapped at her, his jaw tightening.

"Keep her here where we can help her, we can't do shit for her across the wall." She showed no reaction to his outburst.

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