Chapter 6

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Azriel sat staring out the window of the sitting room that lay between his and Cassian's rooms. A glass of untouched wine sat beside him as his fingers tapped the arm of his chair. His mind swimming with theories, thoughts, and emotions – which were not all his own. This evening, in particular, had been exhausting. He knew his friends could tell, they didn't argue when he chose to leave, the exhaustion dripping from his face.

As he'd made his way to his home, he could feel the anger building through the shadows. He couldn't help but worry about who was on the other end of this connection. They seemed to be quick to anger and had somehow managed to get across the wall. The part that worried him the most was the murderous rage this episode resulted in, he pitied whoever was on the receiving end. That much rage could make a seemingly weak and innocent creature dangerous, and if this was already someone dangerous, he was sure there would be hell to pay.

It wasn't until he was sitting there in silence, staring out at the lights of the city below him, that he realized the rage had shifted. They were scared now, despair rolled through their connection. He sent a silent command to his shadows, urging them to comfort whoever it was.

A scream pierced the room, at least that's what it felt like for him. He whipped around, searching for the source, remembering that no one else was here with him. The only others who came here or could come here were busy. The scream had rung with the emotions he'd been feeling today, sadness and anger.

He wanted so desperately to know who it was, to know what was causing these emotions. To know why they were so heavy. He finally took a couple drinks of the wine, hoping the alcohol may help diminish any further emotions that drifted through the shadows.

Azriel paused as another emotion came barreling through, a complete opposite from what he'd been feeling all day. This emotion sparked a bit of jealousy in him, and he couldn't explain why. He's never met whoever this was, so why did this affect him? The feeling built; the pleasure grew stronger until it exploded. He knew, his face reddening a bit, that they had just climaxed. But why was he jealous? He didn't want to be. He hadn't felt jealous over anyone other than Mor, and he knew without a doubt, this wasn't Mor.

He ran a hand through his hair before chugging the rest of the wine. Quickly refilling his glass, hoping this wouldn't be a long night.


Astrid laid back against her pillows, surprise washing over her. Her plan had been to go to bed when she came back, not entice one of the two males to fuck her. She had needed it, but she wanted it to mean something. She wanted to be held afterwards, to wake up to them the next morning.

It had been better than the two human boys she'd been with. She knew it would happen again, she was a mess of emotions wrapped up with a bow, and that seemed to be a good way of releasing them. At least for a bit.

The exhaustion of the past couple days began to wash over her, her eyes getting heavier and her muscles begging to sink into this soft mattress. She let out a quiet whistle, summoning Camryn back. She watched as Camryn nudged the door closed and took a spot on the floor at the end of the bed before giving into sleep.

Astrid sat on a couch, facing a crackling fire, a female sat beside her and a male in the armchair next to her. The female with long black hair and dark eyes smiled at the male, the same black hair, and dark eyes. The male moved his gaze to Astrid, raising an eyebrow at her.

"What do you want Dagdan?"

"I want you to try again, break through my wall, hold my mind." His face told her he was tired of this, tired of her failing. "I know you've been practicing with Brannagh."

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