Chapter 69

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Astrid grumbled as she rolled over and pushed her face into Azriel's chest when a soft, rapid knock echoed through their room. The sun was just beginning to stretch over the horizon and as she tried to hide from the rapping knuckles on the other side of the door, she realized that at some point in the night, her mate had taken off his shirt.

She bit her lower lip as she felt his warm skin against her cheek. The knocking sounded again, and Astrid let out a few curses as she threw a small fit. Before she left the warmth of their bed, she ran her tongue down his chest and towards the waistband of his lounge pants.

Azriel let out a low growl as he gripped her chin and pulled her back up his body. He captured her lips with his own before moved out of bed. Astrid propped her chin up on a fist and loosed a contented sigh as she watched him walk over to the door. She silently wished that he was completely naked so she could see his firm, rounded ass, and his thick thighs, but then that would mean sharing the sight of his battle-ready body with whoever was at the door.

The person on the other side of the door would live if it was Cassian, maybe even Rhysand, but not if it was another female. Even if it was Amren, Astrid would heavily consider murder.

He opened the door, "Do you understand how fucking early it is?" He asked grumpily.

Astrid pulled a blanket over her head when Nesta shoved Azriel out of the way and marched into the room. "Astrid, you need to get up."

"No." Astrid growled and held onto the blanket with a death grip as her sister tried to rip it off her body.

"Astrid." Nesta growled back. "Elain wants to talk to you. So I need you to get up."

Astrid let out a whine as she peaked up at the glowering female, "Is it not something that can wait a few more hours?"

Nesta crossed her arms, "I don't know how long she'll be willing to talk, so no."

Astrid kicked the blankets off her body and grumbled as she pulled on a pair of her Illyrian leather pants. She pushed her feet into some slippers, gave Azriel a quick kiss, and then trudged after Nesta. Her slippers dragged against the stone floor as they made their way to Elain's room.

"Elain?" Astrid called out softly when she found the thin female staring out her window, something she often did the past few days.

She turned around and Astrid let a soft smile tug at her lips at the new brightness that was beginning to sparkle in Elain's brown eyes. "I know it's early, but I've been thinking about your offer..." Her soft voice trailed off. Astrid leaned against the wall by the door as she waited for Elain to continue. "I just have one question."

Astrid nodded her head, "Are you going to ask what court Lucien is a part of?"

Elain lowered her eyes and gave a small nod.

Astrid let out a small sigh, "He's with me at the moment, but that doesn't mean you'd have to talk to him, accept the bond, or even be nice to him." Astrid paused as a small, wicked grin twisted her lips, "Actually, I encourage you to be mean."

Elain's head snapped up, "I might not like him, but why would I be mean to him Astrid? He hasn't done anything to me."

Astrid chuckled as she crossed her arms, "It's just fun to watch him get flustered, he doesn't always know what to do with himself when a female is mean to him."

Elain rolled her eyes, but a grin tried to tug at her lips anyways, "Azriel has his hands full with you." She took a deep breath before she continued, "If the offer is still there... I'd like to join you, Astrid." A panicked look crossed her face quickly, "I love Feyre of course! And Rhysand has been so hospitable..."

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