Chapter 12

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Lucien helped make sure the three females made it back to the manor, Astrid could hear him cursing them, a proud smirk adorning her face. She had successfully done both of the things she wished for tonight, irritate Lucien to no end and sexual release. Wrenica would throw her knowing looks every so often, obviously impatiently waiting for the details of her escapade tonight. Feyre seemed to be deep in thought, Astrid made a mental note to bother her about it later.

As they were standing in the foyer Lucien looked at them, face pale like the moon that hovered in the sky, "I thought you three were told to stay in your room? What in the cauldron was your plan?"

"Well, you already know mine but I'm happy to show you again." Astrid smirked, unbothered by his apparent anger.

"Astrid." He warned with a growl.

"I mean that was hardly anything, I don't see..."

Lucien cut Feyre off, "That wasn't even the ceremony!" Wrenica was trying her hardest not to laugh right now, "By the cauldron, if Tam had found you there..."

Astrid elbowed Wren in the ribs, wiggling her eyebrows at her, the two erupting into laughter as Feyre shouted back at Lucien, "So what?"

"It's the Great Rite, Cauldron boil me! Didn't anyone tell you what it is?" He looked over at the two cackling females, "Astrid! Wrenica!" They looked at him, laughter stopping but their faces twitching in amusement as they attempted to hold it in, like two children caught by their parent. "What is wrong with you two tonight?"

"Well for me, it's probably quicker to tell you what's not wrong with me. Her," She jerked her head toward Wren, "She's been drinking all day."

"And have you been drinking, Astrid?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

She answered with a smirk, "Nope! It's more fun to bother you sober, so I can remember it clearly for years to come."

"You infuriate me."

"Aw, I'm glad to here it." She leaned against Wrenica dramatically, "Sometimes I believe my sole purpose in this existence is to infuriate those around me, it's nice to know I'm doing a good job."

"Can you be serious for just a few minutes Astrid?" Feyre looked at her sister, frustration and what Astrid thought to be a bit of hurt flashing in her eyes.

Astrid narrowed her eyes at her, "I've been nothing but serious most of my life Feyre, unless you want me to permanently slide back into who I was as a General, you can fuck right on off with that bullshit."

Before they could throw anymore verbal blows, Lucien jumped in with an explanation, "Fire night signals the official start of spring – in Prythian, as well as the mortal world." Astrid continued to glare at Feyre, "Here, our crops depend upon the magic we regenerate tonight."

Astrid sat up, interested in this part, "How does that happen?"

"It's a give-and-take, Tam will allow... great and terrible magic to enter is body. The magic will seize control of his mind, his body, his soul, and turn him into the hunter. It will fill him with his sole purpose: to find the maiden. From their coupling, magic will be released and spread to the earth, where it will regenerate life for the year to come."

"Ok, but why did I have to come back then? If he smelled Feyre he wouldn't care about me, plus I'm pretty sure he hates me." Astrid raised her eyebrow at him.

"When he isn't able to find her, he'd go for you, doesn't matter his personal feelings towards you. Plus, thanks to your indifference to being naked in front of people, we all know what you look like naked." He ran a frustrated hand through his hair, "Please just go up to your rooms and stay there till the sun comes up, Tamlin will not be himself tonight. He won't be gentle."

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