Chapter 27

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Wrenica was still processing everything that had happened in the past few hours. The piercing sound of her closest friends scream still echoing in her mind, her heart aching. Even though Astrid and Feyre's relationship was uprooted, her friend still cared for the used-to-be human. Wrenica had looked around the cavern after Feyre's resurrection for Astrid, desperately wanting to check in with her friend, but Astrid was nowhere to be found. She had expected to find Astrid with Feyre's body, but she wasn't entirely surprised when she didn't see her in the area. What did surprise her was Astrid's disappearance from Under the Mountain altogether.

Feyre insisted that this was something Astrid did, that she had a habit of disappearing when something big or emotional happens. According to Feyre, when their human mother had passed away, Astrid had disappeared for 3 weeks. So, there was a good chance, Astrid didn't know that Feyre was resurrected and left to process her grief. Grief for the physical loss of Feyre and grief for the loss of her sister, a loss she had been trying to ignore for the past 3 months.

Wren couldn't accept that though, something felt off about Astrid's disappearance. It had gone unnoticed by many because everyone was focused on the dead human who had given her life to break Amarantha's spells, but a burst of ice cold, slightly charged wind coursed through the cavern. It happened slightly after Astrid stepped back from her physical and magical reveal. Now, the world felt empty, an emptiness Wren hadn't felt since Astrid had found her outside of the cave entrance so many nights ago. Without her friend here now, she felt more alone than ever. She knew she had a friendship with Eris and Rhysand, and a bit with Lucien, but there was something different about her friendship with Astrid.

Wrenica couldn't remember much about her parents, and she had no memory of having a sibling, so Wren had started making her own family. The first person of this chosen family being Astrid, the female was like an older sister, something she hadn't come to realize until Astrid seemed to be gone.

Wren had also wanted to discuss where they would be going after all of this, whether they would go back to the spring court with Feyre and Lucien or whether they would be going to the Night Court with Rhysand. Wren would go wherever Astrid chose, her home was with her now, no longer with the High Lord and Lady of the Autumn court. But if Astrid wasn't here, she had one choice, to go with Rhysand to the Night Court and hope that Astrid made an appearance at some point.

"Rhysand!" Wren called out to him.

He turned around, slightly startled, "Wren, what can I do for you?"

"Could I come back to the Night Court with you?" Her voice had a slight waver to it, nervous he may say no.

"Of course, you are always welcome in my home Wren." He gave her a soft smile.

"Thank you..." Her voice trailed off.

"Is something else wrong?" His eyebrows knotted together as he asked.

Wren let out a sigh, "I haven't been able to find Astrid anywhere, I'm worried about her, I don't think she knows Feyre is alive. I know Feyre said Astrid does this with big emotions, but something just feels wrong."

"I know what you mean, I felt the wind earlier. I'm going to talk with Feyre and then I'll take us to my home, and we can figure it out."

Wren gave him a small nod and leaned against the wall, exhausted from the past three months, when something started poking at her mind. She could distinctly remember Amarantha taking Tamlin's dagger from Astrid, but she couldn't remember if Astrid had grabbed the dagger before everything happened. She quickly dragged herself to the cavern that had served as a throne room. She stopped at the dais, taking a moment to take a few deep breaths, memories of the last few times she stood before it flashed through her mind.

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