Chapter 37

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Astrid didn't miss the sharp intake of breath Cassian gave when Az handed her his knife. She didn't know much about it yet, but he seemed to be proud to have it. She had to admit, it was perfect for what she needed, almost as sharp as her sword but smaller so she could really fuck things up. She smiled up at him, a big smile, because he helped her feel happy. Him offering his knife for this meant everything to her, it showed her that he knew what this meant for her, and he wanted to be a part of it. And she wanted him to be a part of it.

His gaze grew heavy with emotion, a smile that sparkled in his hazel eyes stretching over his lips. Lips she was growing closer and closer to kissing. She had pushed through her anxiety earlier when she had leaned up to kiss his cheek and she loved his reaction.

That would have to wait, because right now, she had one of Hybern's lackeys that had broken her wings. She didn't mention it to Az, not yet, because she had a feeling the creature wouldn't be breathing when it left, and they needed it to send a couple messages. One from Rhys on behalf of his court and one from her. Astrid's message was less a message, and more a promise.

She slashed through his leathery wings, fueling her anger into Az's knife, a faint blue glow began pulsing in the room. She sliced through the bones that ran down the wings, the creatures scream becoming more and more hoarse. When she was satisfied with the state of his wings, she handed the knife back to Az before circling around to crouch in front of the Attor.

She withdrew her sword from her back, a blink her only response to the glowing stones in the hilt. She pointed the tip at the creature's left shoulder, digging it in slightly as she dragged it down to the opposite hip bone. She balanced her sword in her lap as she studied the Attor.

"When you see Hybern, I want you to give him a message from me." Astrid picked her sword up as she stood, the tip resting lightly against the floor, "He will die for everything he has done, and he will fall by my sword."

The blade went silently back into its sheath as she turned and exited the holding cell, her shoulders held back and her chin high. She couldn't keep the grin off her face as she waited for Cassian and Az to make their way out. Az's scent drifted to her as a hand lightly grabbed her hand, pulling it to turn her around. Astrid smiled up at her mate as she stepped closer to him, their chests barely touching.

"I have to drop the Attor off in Hybern, would you be ok with taking Cass back?" His thumb brushed back and forth across the back of her hand.

"Yea that's fine, will you be ok by yourself?" She gazed up at him, noting the tension he held in his jaw. Astrid reached her free hand up to cup his face.

"I hate that I have to go there, and I can't do anything to the ones who hurt you..." He closed his eyes, leaning into her hand.

"In time, we will make them all suffer, together, my shadow." Astrid closed her eyes, took a breath, and raised herself up on her toes. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his lightly. His lips were exactly how she remembered them from her dream, soft and warm. She pulled back and looked up at Az, his hazel eyes filled with need, a need he was holding at bay for her. She moved her hand from his and wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face in his hard chest. "Come back from Hybern in one piece, and we can do that some more."

Az kissed her forehead before quickly disappearing back into the cell, Cassian exited a few seconds after. She let Cassian tuck her against his side, her skin crawling at the contact. She may be comfortable with being this close to her mate, but other males still triggered the majority of her anxiety. It helped knowing that Cassian wouldn't do anything, he was a good male, and more than likely had a healthy fear of his brothers.

Astrid focused on the house of wind, making sure she had a tight grip on Cassian. Within the blink of an eye darkness swelled up around them, Cassian shivered next to her as the chill of the shadows swirled around them. In the next blink, the setting sun welcomed them as Cassian flared his wings out, gliding them down to the balcony. As their feet hit the stone, the shadows melted off, and Astrid stepped quickly away from him.

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