Chapter 62

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Once again, Astrid and Azriel found themselves seated on opposite sides of one of the plush couches in the living space of their mountain home. This time, the whole inner court – minus Feyre – were in attendance. Mor and Rhys sat on the couch facing them with tired, frustrated frowns pulling at their mouths. Amren and Cass sat in the armchairs that bordered the couches on either side. Amren held a neutral, bored look while Cass looked on the edge of laughing.

Azriel looked over at Astrid, who looked mortified for the first time since he'd met her. A grin pulled at his lips as he watched her fidget in her seat. He knew she had enjoyed their time together in the library, there was just something about being caught by Clotho that bothered her. He'd have to talk to her about it more later when they were alone. But he didn't it wasn't anything super serious, otherwise he would have told Rhys where he could shove his 'talk'.

As Rhys ran a hand over his face in clear frustration, Wren walked into the room with a plate of chocolate and cheese and placed it in front of Astrid. Some of her fidgeting eased as she began to pick at the plate. Azriel offered Wren a small smile, because she was doing what he wasn't allowed to do right now, helping Astrid.

If she had been to uncomfortable, Azriel would have happily told Rhys to go fuck himself, but for now he would let his High Lord have his moment. He would obey, for now.

Rhys sat forward as Wren took the spot in between him and Mor per Rhys's order. He wanted Azriel and Astrid's full attention on him, a punishment of sorts. But if Azriel knew his mate even the smallest amount, the moment she got over her embarrassment, she'd probably torment her brother a bit. Even if they did deserve whatever punishment he was going for, that would never stop her.

Rhys let out a long sigh as he linked his hands together, "I honestly never thought I'd have to say this. I barely have the words for this. But for fucks sake, no fucking in the gods forsaken library. Of all the fucking places..." Rhys's words trailed off as he closed his eyes and pressed his fingers into his temples.

"You're just upset we got caught Rhys." Azriel said calmly, the grin he began wearing just seconds ago still sat proudly on his lips.

Rhys's body went rigid as he slowly looked up at Azriel. His jaw clenched hard enough everyone could hear his teeth grinding together.

Mor stepped in before Rhys could react, "While that is part of it Azriel, it's also the principal of the matter. That is a sanctuary, a place of knowledge and research. It demands more respect than a quick fuck in the stacks."

Azriel cringed at Mor's use of his full first name, she never did that unless she was particularly mad or irritated with him. He began to chew on the inside of his teeth as he held back the words that threatened to vomit out of his throat. He wanted to point out that Mor had no place lecturing them on where they should or shouldn't be having sex. She hadn't experienced the effects of accepting a mating bond, only Rhys could understand that. But he knew that would be cruel.

Azriel glanced over at his mate, and it was now his turn to frown. Astrids right leg had begun to bounce up and down frantically, the first sign she had shown that there might be something more going on in her head. He reached over and gently placed his hand on her thigh, when her shining violet eyes met his, he didn't take a second longer to pull her into his side. He refused to sit there while she held back tears and not hold or comfort her.

As he pulled her into him, Rhys let out a warning growl. Azriel responded with a quick middle finger before closing his wings around him and Astrid. She quickly buried her face into his neck as warm, wet tears landed on his skin. Azriel rubbed a hand up and down her back as he lowered his head, so his lips brushed against her ear.

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