Chapter 1

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It's been over a year. A year since Henry, my bestest friend and coworker, got that damn letter from my old boss, Joey Drew. A year...since Henry Stein.....went missing...

The police looked for any evidence for his disappearance...but there was nothing. Not even a single clue was left behind. It frustrates me. It frustrates me that those damn police closed the case to fast...

But I'm also frustrated at myself. For not trying harder to stop Henry from leaving. We both knew that Joey was losing his mind. The old fool needed mental help but he was too stubborn to get it. Which drove the company into the ground.

Henry and I were best friends since childhood. We both had a passion for arts and stories . Henry loved to draw and I loved writing stories. We both made a pact to stick by each other's sides through thick and thin.

We were both 18 when we met Joey, and it was like our dreams were finally coming true...before it all went downhill. Bendy The Dancing Demon. It was the show I would create scripts on for Henry to animate.

Everything first started out all find and dandy. All our coworkers were like a close family, the studio was like a second home to me. But Joey lost his way completely...and it eventually shut down.

It was 30 years that went by, I still stayed in contact with some of my coworkers before they suddenly stopped talking. I still remember the day Henry came knocking on my door with the letter in his hand.

It was a memory I wish I could change...

I heard someone knocking on my door frantically. Quickly getting up from my chair I opened the door to see a very out of breath Henry.

"Wha?! Henry?? What in blue blazes are you doing here this time of night?!" I practically shout as I rushed him inside my warm house, he was freezing!! There was also some ink on his shirt, I don't know why but he was most likely drawing before coming here.

"I'm sorry to be a bother N/n...T-this is something urgent..." his soft Brooklyn accent muttered as he shivered from the cold, though his voice sounded off. Like he was struggling or something.

"Urgent?? What in Sam's Hill could be so urgent that your practically breaking down my front door?" I ask sarcastically as I set a blanket a top his shoulders

"Did you get a letter...?" He asked frantically

"Letter?? Don't tell me you came all this way worrying about my mail now Henry-"

"Did you get a letter? Please Y/n, it's important." Henry said again cutting me off, not using my normal nickname he always liked to use.

I sigh, "Yes, I got a letter. Never did open it though. Why?"

Henry got up and placed his hands on my shoulders. He looked me dead in the eye, "Open it."

I was starting to get worried for him. I have no clue why he's But I trust him. So without a word I picked up the letter from this morning and opened.

'Dear Y/n,
   It seems like a lifetime since we worked on cartoons together. 30 years really slips away, doesn't it?

If you're back in town, come visit the old workshop. There's something I need to show you. Your best pal' -Joey Drew

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now