Chapter 4

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I shot up from where I was laying as my panic breathing was heard. But I slowly calmed down as I realized that I was in a safe and familiar place.

"Damnit...This is the third time I've had that same dream...well more like a nightmare..." I mutter as I get from the uncomfortable bed I claimed as my own.

The dream was more of reoccurring memory. I fall in a vast of ink, Henry stood there reaching out, before he gets dragged into the darkness..My hands become cold like ice...some sort of reel...and then the memory of the Ink demon knowing my name...that's what haunts me the most...I still don't know why or how that demon knows my name.

Stop thinking Y/n. It's only gonna hurt more if you think. Think of how uncomfortable your bed is, actually scratch that. Why is it so hard??

"Jesus that mattress is just not my friend...My back is to old for this..." I said as my back aches with pain

I've been staying in the safe house for about a week with Boris and Bendy, at least I think it's been a week...there's really no way of telling what time it is down here. We have this creepy looking Bendy clock but other than it doesn't actually tell the right time. Or assume it doesn't. I don't know anymore...

"Rise and shine sleepyhead!!" Bendy slams the door open causing me scream and he jumped back in shock

"Wow there screamer!! Warn me next time you decide to do that!!" Bendy scolds as he holds his...uh ear??? In pain.

"Me?! Don't just come barging in here unexpectedly!! Scared the absolute hell out of me!!" I grumble and he shrugs

"Sorry not sorry, come on!! Boris made us breakfast!!" Bendy said like a little child begging their parents to wake up on Christmas Day

"Let me guess, Bacon soup?" I asked sarcastically knowing that literally is all that's down here to eat

"Yep!!" Bendy said not noticing my sarcasm to which I rolled my eyes at.  I follow him out of the shared room, I'm usually the last one to wake up. I smile as I see Boris sitting there with three steaming bowls of bacon soup.

'At least it's not cold...' I think to myself as I take a seat and began eating the same soup for the past week.

I look down to see the little games Boris, Bendy, and I would play when we got bored. Boris was obviously better, I bet he had more time to play these games after all.

I see Boris wave his hands for my attention and I watched as he sighed to me. I took it upon myself to teach the poor mute toon with how to use sign language, and boy was he a fast learner.

'We need more soup. We're running out.' He signs worryingly

"What did he tell ya??" Bendy asked, the little devil also was being taught sign language, he just wasn't as fast of a learner like Boris.

"We're running out of our food source." I tell him and Bendy nods.

"Bendy, Boris, stay here. I'll go look for some more soup cans." I say as I walk over and pick up my trusty axe, which I'm surprised that it still hasn't broken by now.

"You sure you'll be ok going alone?" Bendy asks worryingly as Boris too stared at me concerned.

"I'll be fine, I'm a tough nut to crack. If I'm not back in a hour or so, don't come looking for me. I'd rather you both to stay safe." I demand and they hesitantly nod. Not only do I want to keep them safe, I also want to take this opportunity to look for Henry more.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now