Chapter 5

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I walk out of the elevator and look around. Man this place looked like shit. And I'm not even exaggerating. The place looked disgusting.

I noticed how Boris was walking ahead of me, as if he already knew the area. I looked down to Bendy but he just shrugged his shoulders and followed Boris.

As I walked down the stairs and I noticed yet another tape. I press it and hear old Thomas Connor's voice.

I remember seeing him walk down the halls, poor man was always tired from coming down and fixing the ink machine as well as the pipes that frequently bursted, but he was a sweetheart, people he actually liked.

I remember all the time how him and Wally would argue with each other, it was pretty funny to listen too not gonna lie.

"I'm just saying Mr. Connor, you need to do a better job at fixing those pipes!! They keep bursting and leaving a huge mess for me to clean up!!" Wally shouts

"Look kid, I'm trying my best here. But there's only so much one guy can fix. Plus it's your job as the janitor to clean." Thomas glares making Wally scoff

"Well at least fix it faster!! If one of these pipes burst again I'm out of here!!" Wally threatens

"Wally you say that for everything." Thomas said rolling his eyes before continuing to work on the pipes

Hmm...I also remember being invited to his and Allison's wedding. But they never did do it...I wonder if Joey got them too...

"Y/n!! Come on!!" Bendy's voice shouts and immediately run to catch up with them.

I walk up to yet another metal door, but something about it made me hesitant. And I don't even know why.

The doors seemed to open up on their own and Boris was the first to rush in. Bendy chased after him to make he didn't get lost, and I was the last to follow as I clutched onto my pipe.

'I still wish I had my axe though...' I sigh sadly to myself as I walked forward turning into the next room. Only to feel my soul crush into tiny pieces...

There in front of Boris was another Boris, dead and it's ribcage ripped open for the whole world to see.

'Just like the other Boris...' I think to myself as I stare sympathetically at the dead Boris

I walk up to Boris and put my hand on his shoulder, he looks back at me with sadness. Bendy too, was upset. I mean who wouldn't be. This is just...insane...

"Boris, You and Bendy head back to the elevator. I'll finish my business with miss princess." I grumble angrily

'At least I know who killed that other Boris...'

"Y/n you'll be ok right...?" Bendy mumbles out softly

"I don't know Bendy...but Boris or you doesn't need to see this. Now go on." I command them, and they both leave hesitantly

"Alright angel...let's see what you want..." I mutter as I walk across the planks, making sure not to fall into the ink.

I gag as I cross the sea of deceased toons, all having the same fate, hung up with their rib cages exposed. It was was vile....

"Look around...It took so many of them to make me so beautiful~ Anything less than perfect was left behind...I had to do it!! She made me..." The disfigured Alice spoke with a tone I couldn't quite explain

'She sounds awfully familiar...where have I heard that voice...'

I see a little side area with another tape. Maybe this could help explain things a little bit...I clicked the play button and I felt my stomach drop.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now