Chapter 18

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I ran into the lair of the Ink Demon, immediately I could hear Henry's voice screaming. It sounded both angry and scared. I ran around looking and following his screams. That's when Henry suddenly went flying across the air slamming into the ground, making me cringe. That's gonna leave a bruise. And then A shattering roar, of what I'm going to assume is the Ink Demon, was heard. And he was coming for Henry.

The ink demon...didn't look like what I remembered. He was more taller, more Buffy looking, his horns even more pointy and sharp, his teeth was razor sharp, and he was completely covered in he was a beast. He growled at Henry as he got even closer to him.

Quickly taking action instead of standing here like imbecile, I sprint over to Henry, surprising him and the Ink Demon as I picked him up with ease, and then began booking it to safer area. The Ink Demon roared with fury as he began charging after us. Ah yes, just what I wanted. A WHOLE FUCKING BEAST CHASING ME. I'm glad I can still run.

"Wha- Y/N?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE?! WHY DO YOU HAVE HORNS?!" Henry shouted as he tried to not fall out of my arms.

"NOPE!! YOU THOUGHT WRONG!! AND ILL EXPLAIN EVERYTHING LATER!!" I smirk before skidding into a corner. I huffed trying to catch my breath, but then I had to hold my breath again as the Ink Demon sniffed around the area we were in.

Henry and I both waited....and waited...and waited...Finally the Ink Demon growled and left, throwing a tantrum as he ran around looking for us. Henry and I both release our breath and sigh in relief.

"Ok...we're safe for now-HUGH-"

I cut Henry off as I punched him in the stomach, and once again he clutched it in pain as he fell to his knees.

"Again?! Why?!" He whispered shouted in anger. I grabbed his ear and glared.

"That's for keeping that secret of me being dead and lying to me!!" I whispered shouted back. Henry winces and nervously smiled.

"Ahaha...You know...?"

"I know EVERYTHING." I smirk and he frowns, standing up as I let go of his ear.

" you feel about it? You know...being dead?" He asked softly and I sigh.

"I don't know...I still feel alive. Just dissociated and made out of ink I guess...But I'll be fine." I tell him with a smile.

"I'm here if you ever need me N/n...How did you find out? Do you know how you came back?" Henry smiled back and I nod.

"That's a story for another time. Right now we have an issue to solve. So here's the game plan, we need to some how calm the Ink Demon down." I say and Henry gives me this look like I was insane, which I'm probably am but eh I don't give a fuck.

"What?! He's trying to kill us?! We need to get The End Reel so we can restart the timeline!!" Henry seethed

"The Reel is gone Henry!! Your plan wouldn't work even if you tried!! Look, I haven't been completely honest with you either. I've actually...hung out with the Ink Demon. He SAVED me, multiple times. A kindness I plan to return. This is his realm Henry, and we're the parasites to him. But maybe if we can reach an agreement we could stop ALL of this. It's time to change Henry, time to adapt." I give Henry a determined look and Henry stared at me with a conflicted look.

"Henry please, just this once, hear the Ink Demon out. How would you feel if someone came into your home and change everything? Trust me...I know what I'm doing." I begged and Henry sighed.

"Ok. Fine. Let's do your plan. Not like we have many options anyway. If the reel is gone as you say, then we better pray to whatever god is there that your plan works." Henry chuckled and I smirk.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now