Chapter 17

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We all causally walked forwards, every once in a while Bendy would stop to look around. Only for me to tell him to catch up. Last thing we need is him getting lost. So with defeated sigh, he clutched his toy train and his plush, running up to me, and took my hand. He was scared, I could tell.

Actually really everyone is, well except for Henry, then again he's done this millions of times. So he must know how things end. But, this here. Could that change something? I hope not...that could be bad if it did. I still have some...mixed feelings on everything that's happening.

I mean, I was with the Ink Demon for hours and he never laid a hand on me. And he saved me multiple times!! Sure he would mess with me, he really that dangerous?

And that dream...was it even a dream? The person, me, told me to give the ink demon a chance. To HELP him. Not only that but...did I know him before this? I can't help but wonder if there's just something not there, something I'm missing-

'Get you head in the game Y/n!! Now is not the time to be overthinking!!' I scold myself

I felt a tug on my arm and I look down at Bendy. He shakily lifted his finger over to a giant glass window. I felt my whole body freeze.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear...

"Shh...Quiet. Don't make any noise..." Allison informs us. Like we already don't know that Allison. The others walk forward and I stare at the Ink demon for a little bit longer.

He looks...really pissed off...He's not, the same as I met him. More agitated, more angry, more...monstrous...

Shaking my head, I quietly went along despite having the paranoia feeling of something watching me. There was writing on the wall spelling out: 'Death' It also had a arrow pointing to the right.

"Ah yes, thanks captain obvious. Like I needed to know which direction to go to for my doom." I scoff to myself as I walk into the room.

And the sight before me was unbelievable, My eyes widen as I stared. Holy shit...his the ink machine itself!! The very machine that started this did it get so fucking big?!

"My god...THIS is that THINGS home?!" Sammy shouts gripping at his head in disbelief.

"I believe so Sammy...I believe so..." Henry said patting the ink man on his shoulder. Tom and Allison already started trying to form a plan.

"Y/n and I could cross? I mean, we're not fully made out of ink. And Y/n can ride on my back just for safety?" Henry suggested.

"I sounds like a solid plan...But is Y/n up to the task?" Allison said turning to me.

"I'll do whatever that needs to be done." I cringe at my words. Again I don't know how the hell I should be feeling right now...

"Will you be ok? Out there? With...him..." Bendy mumbles beside me, as he shook with fear. I pat his head gently and he looks up at me with a strained smile.

"Don't worry my little devil friend, everything is gonna be just fine-GAH!!" I sudden surge of pain ran through my body. I collapsed to the ground with raspy breaths. Not now!! Anytime but now!!

"Y/n!!" The others shout gathering around me in worry. I tried to shake it off and stand up, only to immediately be pushed back down in pain.

"Guys give them some space to breathe for fucks sake!!" Sammy shouts at them and they all stood back trying to figure out what to do. No one could come near Y/n, their body was bubbling with ink. If the Toons or Sammy touched them, they'll surly get hurt. And for Henry...he doesn't know what to do in this situation. This NEVER in the many times he has reseted the timeline, has seen anything like this happen. Especially since Y/n never existed down here.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now