Chapter 24

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I saw a some random lost one kick open the gate, quickly I grabbed Audrey's hand and pulling Edgar behind the wall. I'm a little shocked to say the least, I knew some lost ones spoke yes, but half the time they were mumbling or just stared with despair.

I would take him down but...It could attract even more unwanted attention, plus Edgar and Audrey could possibly be harmed. I Wasn't gonna risk it...

Speaking off, seeing how violent this one is makes me a little nervous. We'll have to watch our backs from now on, keep a good look out. Who knows what could be lurking in the dark...or the ink...

The lost one began walking towards us, I knew that we couldn't just sit here forever and hide. Lost ones may have some bad vision from far away, but they can sure as hell hear clear as day. Any subtle noise or movements can attract attention from them...which gives me an idea.

"Edgar...I need you to do me a favor...Can you climb on the roof and make as much noise as possible? We need the lost ones attention to be away from us." I whispered to the little mute reformed toon. He gave me a silent salute and crawled away, jumping into the ceiling walls.

Then he started making a bunch of rumbling noises, successfully catching the attention of the Lost one. He growled in anger as he ran towards the noise, giving Audrey and I enough time to run into the room. Once I turned the corner, I skid to a stop, seeing that we were safe. For now.

"Good thinking Y/n. I'll go check the fuses..." Audrey said as she crawled into a little hole. It didn't take long for her to come crawling back out.

"What's the deal?" I ask and Audrey lets out a irritated sigh.

"The fuse we need is missing. We'll have to find one if we want to get that gent pipe." She explains

"Of course!! It can never be easy can it..." I grumble as I peek through the door. The lost one seemed to make himself a weapon, he took it and slammed it on a cutout, destroying it. Anger issues much?

I looked up to see Edgar who smiled at me with his little stitched lips and waved. I chuckle quietly at his adorable behavior, waving back. Audrey stared at the toon and smiled, maybe not all creatures here are evil as she thought...

"Let's go check the kitchen, we never fully explored it...Maybe we'll find something there?" Audrey offered and I nod.

"Good plan kid. Stay close, and stay behind me." I say as I crouch down, moving slowly. I give a little signal to Edgar, who seemed to understand what I wanted. He once again made some stomping noises, enraging the lost one.

"I know you're out there!! I'll kill you!!" He growls, waving his weapon around like a lunatic.

"Let's go." Audrey says, and I nod jogging quickly to the other side of the animation alley area, towards the kitchen. Audrey was right behind me, watching out for anything that may come up from behind.

It was like the world just wanted to bully us, either that or we're just unlucky as shit. As soon as we stepped one single foot in the kitchen, another lost one came barging out of the kitchen. Again with my quick reflexes, I grabbed Audrey's hand, hiding her.

"Who's out there?! Kitchen's closed!!" He grumbled as he began patrolling the area. This time we're gonna have to be extra careful...Edgar is busy distracting one lost one, so we're gonna have to deal with this one ourselves...

"How do you reckon we deal with him...?" Audrey whispers in my ear. I hum as I analyzed his walking pattern. He would walk to the radio, messing with it, then he walk around the tables, going towards the wooden shelves, and then head back into the kitchen.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now