Chapter 31

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"YOU." I hissed as I glared into the eyes of Joey Drew. Anger and resentment clouded my judgment as I ran past Audrey and Bendy. I climbed up the ladder to meet the monster WHO STARTED ALL OF THIS FUCKING MESS.

Joey stepped backwards, hesitant to move forward. My tail behind me swished dangerously. As if feeling my hatred towards the man.

"Y/n...Listen to me...This isn't-"

ITS. ALL. YOUR. FAULT!!" I shout as socked him in the face, then grabbing him by the neck, slamming him down Onto metal floor.

"Y/n stop!!" Audrey shouted at me from below, but my ears heard only the whispers of the souls as I grasped onto Joey's neck. I should snap it right here and right now.

"Y/n old friend...what happened to you? You look so different-GAH-" Joey winced as I applied more pressure on his neck, his nose bleeding purposefully from my punch. A slight growl in my throat was heard as I felt aggravated, ink dripping down my only other side of my face that was non inky.

"Don't old friend me you bastard!! You know what you did...I SHOULD KILL YOU FOR ALL THE SUFFERING YOU'VE CAUSED US!!" I continued to glare, more ink dripping down my body. As I held his neck down, I grabbed my axe and from my belt. Joey stared with wide eyes as I held up, ready to swing down on him. But then I felt someone tug me back from Joey, allowing the man to breath, and I snapped my head towards Audrey with gritted teeth.


"Let him explain!! Maybe he'll say something that'll help us!!" She tried to reason. I was gonna argue, but behind her was Bendy, who gave me a fearful look. And that hurt...I don't want him to be afraid of me...god what am I doing....? With hesitation, I stopped trying to attack Joey. For now...

I stood up and glared at my old boss. I offered my hand to him and he shakily took it into his own. I pulled him up harshly and he nods.

"Thank you for letting me have a chance to explain Y/n..." He smiled but yelped when I twisted his hand backwards. I pull him close to me where I could whisper into his ear.

"If it were up to'd be dead where you stand.." I seethe and let go of him. It was really difficult to not punch that stupid mustache right of his face.

"Sorry about them Mr. Drew...Can you have please explain what's happening here...?" Audrey asked Joey politely. He coughed and collected himself, grabbing the nearby lantern next to him.

"Follow me and Mind your step...This old place is full of surprises. I should know I've worked here a long time..." Joey muttered, making me scoff. Audrey gave me a pointed look before returning her attention back to Joey.

"Mr. Drew-"

"Joey, Please!" Joey cut Audrey off

"Joey...What is this place? This studio...These...Monsters!! Am I dreaming?!" Audrey continued after she was cut off. I didn't want to be anywhere near the man who killed me, so I stayed behind the two, only observing and listening. Bendy looked at me worriedly, but I refused to meet his gaze.

"It's a cycle Audrey. An Ink Stain Nightmare forever stuck on repeat...With just a pencil and a dream! And with a little help from the Gent Corporation...It came into being..." Joey started to explain as he walked over to a door. I followed along silently, a strange pulsating feeling tingled throughout my chest as I moved around. The ink on my body swirling with anticipation...

"From what I gather. It exists in parallel to the outside world. But completely removed from the march of time and Like a record played over and over again....Its begun to crumble...wear down." Joey continued which I perk up. It's true...this world has repeated itself...I may have never been through the cycles myself but I know that the reel had part in the restarting of the cycle...So is it starting to stop working or...something else...?

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now