Chapter 41

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You're running...

Why am I running?

You're afraid.

Why am I afraid?

What is happening to me?!


Why am I afraid?!


"Benicio?! Benicio!!" My shouts echos through the walls, desperate calling of my voice being all that was heard.

That's right.

I am afraid.

They want to kill him.

Make him perish.

No no no...I can't allow that to happen!!

He means to much to me!!

I can't...

I just...

I hear something move, as well as see something in the distance. My chest lifted in hope as I sprint over to see if it's Benicio.

It wasn't.

I was lunged at by a keeper, it grabbed my h/c hair, pulling it back as I wince in pain, but I was too panicked and stunned to even react. Why is a keeper all the way out here?!

"Let go of me!!" I hiss as I shoot out a inky tendril, ripping its arm off. It didn't react. It just continued to attack. I dodged to my best abilities, my brain was in a mental state where I can't even think. It was full of worries and other shit.

And because of that I didn't look where my feet were going as I tripped over myself, slamming onto the ground. I look up in a panic as I was quickly grabbed by the Keeper, it squeezed my arm harshly making me wince as I tried to push away from it. Audrey's melting ability would be really helpful right about now!!

But the Keeper was suddenly tackled down to the ground, allowing me to get free and dropping back the ground. I watched in surprise as Benicio aggressively attacked the Keeper, pulling apart its other arm, ripping its wires out of it body as it hissed. Benicio backed away for a moment, giving a low growl as he wrapped his tail around me. The Keeper still stood, even with ink pouring from its exposed wounds.

The Keeper limped over, it's purpose wanting nothing but to serve Wilson. Meaning it won't stop until it's dead. Which is what Benicio wants. With one last lunge, Benicio grabbed the keeper in his claws, biting its head clean off. The keeper finally stopped moving, and Benicio dropped its dead body to the ground. He spat the head back out, huffing a bit from the adrenaline rush.

It was silent.

The only thing heard was his ragged breathing, and my panicked one.

Benicio then turned to me harshly with a hiss. He didn't look happy.

"What were you thinking?!" He shouts as I flinched back a bit.

"I..." I looked down with furrowed eyebrows.

"You could've gotten yourself killed, AGAIN!!" He continued to lecture. I looked up at him, a flash of anger in my eyes.

"News flash!! EVERYTHING can kill me here!! Not like it would matter anyway-"

Benicio grabbed my face, making my breath hitch for a small moment as he stared at me with his inky face.

"It would matter to me." He hissed, before shaking his head. He tried to beat to calm his raging, surprisingly not dead, heart. Y/n just stared up at him with conflicting emotions.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now