Chapter 38

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I gasp in surprise as I saw my dear best friend sitting all alone on a stool. At the sound of his name, he whipped his head around making eye contact with me.

"Y/n...? Is that you...?"

"Indeed it is Henry. Indeed it is." I smile. Once again relieved to see Henry was not killed or turn into some awful experiment. He came up to the glass and stared wide-eyed at me.

"What happen to you? You look and sound so different?? WHA-You have a TAIL?!"

"Yeah...Let's just say I spent to long under the ink. If you know what I mean. It's kind of hard to explain...What happened here...?" I ask. Maybe he'll be able to help explain the sudden changes. I've picked up some things but I want to make sure. After all he remembers everything, so I wasn't worried about him forgetting anything.

"Like you, it's kind of hard to explain...One moment I was walking the next...back at the beginning...But it was like everything stopped. When I reunited with Alice and Tom, everything was different...hell even Sammy was joined up with us...Only because The Ink Demon was taken by some old guy. But our luck ran out eventually and we were captured. Alice and Tom managed to escape though." Henry explained

"Sammy's here then?" I ask and Henry nods.

"He's actually right next to my cell." Henry said pointing over to the cell next to me. Bendy waved at the tired man, and Henry waved back with a smile. I place the bag down, allowing Bendy to step out.

"Stretch your legs for a bit. Don't need them become too stiff. Or you'll get even smaller." I chuckle as Bendy whacked my shoulder with a pout.

"Bendy looks very nice. Love the tux. Very fancy." Henry said and Bendy adjusted his bow tie sassily with a smirk. I roll my eyes as pat his head.

"Don't let it get to your head."

I look over to where Sammy's cell was. The metal covering the cell. Henry could tell by Y/n's eyes that they wanted to open it up.

"Go ahead and open it. Fair warning, he's back to his old 'sacrifice' phase. It's really annoying to deal with...especially when he's right next to me." Henry said with a blank face. I snort, and nod as I walked to the other switch. Like last time, I flipped it down and the metal covering opened up.

There it reveal Sammy, playing his banjo. The light kind of shined on him...reflecting a bit on his forehead. Hehe...bald. Sammy paused in his playing and growled.

"...If your here to convince me to betray My lord, I already told you that I WONT- Who are you?"

"Oh yeah Henry wasn't kidding...Hello Sammy." I greeted and Sammy glared at me.

"How do you know of that name? What ARE you? You dare try to copy my lord?! YOU WILL NEVER BE HIM!!"

"I'm gonna assume that you mean my horns. And my tail. Trust me, I don't have any intention of copying 'your lord'." I sigh, but Sammy just gave me the stink eye. Bendy peaked from my side, and tilted his head at the song writer. Before jumping as Sammy looked his way.

"You...You are the false Lord!! You won't save me...but my TRUE lord will!! Yes, yes!! I can hear him now!!" Sammy laughed as he put his hands up in the air. I think he's gotten worse. Then again, this was how he acted before. Just I guess, less insane? If that makes sense.

"Sammy. For the love that is all unholy, get a grip before I come in here and kick your ass. Maybe it'll bring you back like last time." I scoff and Sammy gasped in horror.

"You DARE threaten me?! When my lord saves me I'll make sure he'll-"

"Sammy shut up. I've told you this a million of times, You. Are. NOT. A. Prophet!!" Henry groaned, which sparked an argument.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now