Chapter 19

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It's been a couple of weeks, at least I think it has been weeks, since the agreement between Benicio and the others. Things so far haven't really changed that much, but it's getting there.

So far, Benicio has been keeping his word and has been looking for a way to set free the souls of the studio. I can tell it's stressing him out, but I have to remind him to take breaks every once In awhile. Which he would huff with a pout, but would listen anyway.

Sammy has been gathering himself, trying to rebuild his own life within the studio. He doesn't trust Benicio, and believes that he won't truly set him free. Then again when he was insane, he was attacked and betrayed by the Ink yeah, understandable...But I'm just glad he's trying to get out more instead of copping himself in one room.

Allison has been keeping positive and trying to remain hopeful. Tom...not so much, he's still as pessimistic as ever. Bendy mainly stays with them, but every once in a while he would come to visit me or I would come visit him and we just hung out together. Playing trains.

Henry also stays with them, but most of the time he's out and about around the studio. I've bumped into him plenty of times, he seems to be really anxious...and sad. But whenever I questioned him he would shake it off as nothing.

And with me, nothing too much. I've explained to the others of my...dreams...Or mainly memories of the past...I still haven't told them about who showed me the truth...I think it would just cause even more confusion. Hell, I don't even know how it works. But besides that, most of my time is spending time with Benicio or wandering the studio halls, occasionally helping some lost ones who were well, lost.

Apparently they all have groups of their own, one had this weird leader with a arrow crown, whats his name? Lord Amok?? I don't remember. But I accidentally ran into the them and they tried attacking me. I simply just left through the ink puddles, to be fair I was evading their area, but they didn't have to attack me for it. The Butcher Gang member still existed, but for some reason instead of attacking me like normal they would cower away with fear, even though the Ink Demon was not with me. Eh...I'll worry about it another time...

Again, As Benicio kept his word, I kept mine. I would return back to the lair, where I would meet up with Benicio. Most times we would just converse, mainly it's me asking about what he would like to do for the rest of time. He would shrug and just mess around with the ink on the ground, making stuff. Speaking of which, I showed him that I too, could create stuff from my inky arms. He seemed to perk up at this.

"Hm..must be at the fact you were made from an experimental ink from...Joey..." Benicio growls at his last words, which I pat his shoulder to calm him down.

"I guess that does make sense...but why did this transformation...start only after I had an opened wound exposed to ink? When I'm already made of it?" I ask aloud with a hum

"I'm not sure...I think after being touched by tainted ink...the transformation began. Meaning whatever ink you were given, began to become more dominant.....Does...Does it bother you...?" Benicio asked guiltily and I smile at him with a soft look.

"Honestly...Before it did...But now...I'm starting to accept that this is who I am. And I should be proud for still being some what alive. Just like you should be." I say softy holding Benicio's face. He leaned into my touch, a soft purring emitting from his chest, making me gasp.

"Oh my- YOU PURR?!" I smirk and Benicio tenses up. Immediately he shot away from my touch and scoffed.

"M-Me? Purring? As if!!" He stuttered which I noticed immediately. I burst out laughing, clutching my stomach as I laid down on the floor struggling to breathe.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now