Chapter 16

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After collecting ourselves, Sammy and I decided that it would be a good decision to get a move on. We need to be cautious because I'm apparently cursed to lose all my axes, it must dropped in the ink...Before I left the inky room, I saw a picture on the wall that looked like Henry's glass thing...

So I took it out and my suspicion was correct. Secret writing was indeed on the wall.

'It's inside the vault.'

That could be important information. I'll have to keep it in mind for later...Placing the invention back on my belt, I ran to catch up with Sammy. Who was impatiently waiting for me.

"Jeez your slow." Sammy huffed and I roll my eyes

"Well I almost drowned in ink so give me a break." I huff and he just shrugs.

"So how did you uh...exactly do that ink thing?" Sammy asked me.

"Well most of the ink creatures can do it. So I thought I try it out. Even you can do it, but seeing that you don't remember anything you did, then I'm guessing that you can't remember to travel through ink." I hum out

"...What exactly did I do when I know...?" Sammy seemed to ask hesitantly and I sigh.

"You became crazy, praised the ink demon as if he was a god, become a cultist, tried to do rituals, oh!! And you tried to sacrifice me." I tell him blankly

"WHAT?! I DID ALL THAT?! Jesus Christ..." Sammy screams as he rubbed his head.

"Yeah...You had some serious issues...But luckily and hopefully we won't have to deal with that Sammy again..." I tell him, in a attempt to comfort him. He just sighed and nodded.

We soon arrived at a administration door area, of course it was closed. I also noticed one of those little machine things, from what I remember Henry saying, they take ink and create something out of it. Kind of like me and my arm.

"Why is it that every door here is closed?" I ask aloud to myself with annoyance. As I walk to one door that led to the inside of the desk area, which held a switch.

I flip it down and the administration door opens, thank god it wasn't some difficult puzzle. I walk back out where Sammy stood.

"Maybe for security I don't know." Sammy says and I give him a blank look.

"Uh yeah because everyone in the world is gonna want to just explore an old abandoned studio."

"Well your here aren't you?" Sammy says sassily

"I- Shut up." I glare and Sammy chuckles at my defeat. There was another door labeled as the Film Vault. We walked through and turns out there was some pipes missing from some thing...

"Now that's interesting..." Sammy mumbled scratching his head in thought. I looked at it some more before realization hit me.

"I think if we find some extra ink we can use the little machine over there to create pipes and maybe something will open." I inform Sammy

"What makes you think that?" He asks, again, being doubtful.

"Think about it. This whole place basically runs off of ink. And if that's the case, then those pipes are gonna be the key to opening whatever that needs to be opened. Because the ink flow will be going." I explain and Sammy still gave me a doubtful look.

"Still don't see how that works." He says and I pinch my eyebrows with a groan.

"Just find some damn ink clumps Sammy. We'll split up to cover more ground." I grumble as I made my way into the administration area, Sammy following.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now