Chapter 12

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"Ok Mr. Drew, What is it that you want show me?" I ask my short boss as I watch him light his cigar. He was leading me to a different prat of the studio, which I'm surprised I've never seen.

He smirks as he lets out a puff of smoke, "Y/n my dear, remember when I talked about bringing Bendy to life?"

"Yeah I remember. And I told you that was crazy and impossible." I say with a huff

"Ah...buts that's where you're wrong. Remember what I say all the time, Just a pencil and a dream, and anything...can be possible~" He said cryptically as he walked ahead of me.

I glared at his back skeptically as I continued to follow him down the steps to a place I've never seen before. I could hear slight banging on the walls, as well as some strangled screeching.

It petrified me to know what the hell was making that noise...

"Joey, where the hell are you taking me?" I demanded and still, he just smirked.

"You'll see Y/n. You'll all see." He muttered to himself

We started walking past a door, which was where the noise was coming from...I was about to open the door, out of curiosity...

"DONT OPEN THAT!!" Joey shouts as he snatched my wrist in a tight grip, which made me wince. Seeing my terrified face, Joey quickly let go and apologized.

"Sorry. That door is forbidden. It has...some personal things in there...Come along now." Joey said happily as if he didn't react the way he did.

With hesitation, I followed along, but not before sparing the door one last glance.

We continued to walk until we made into a huge opening. Once I walked in, I stared in shock at the giant machine in front of me.

"Joey...what have you created...?" I glare at him and he sighs in disappointment

"I thought we're smart L/n. This glorious piece of life is what I'm gonna use to make my dreams...into reality...Y/n, This is the Ink Machine." Joey laughs, almost manically. I took a step back as I stare at him like the madman he was.

"Mr. Drew...Y-you can't be serious!! This isn't how the real world works!! Jesus..." I said as my hands shook

"Oh I'm very serious Y/n...More serious than I've ever been...I've already started working on bringing Alice to life...I trust you'll keep this a secret from the others...Correct Y/n?" He said giving me a creepy, threatening smile.

"I- O-of course sir." I mumble out in fear and he smiles normally again.

"Splendid!! You know your way back dear. I'll meet you up there, those scripts won't be writing themselves." He said patting my back making me flinch.

He then walked away, and once he was out of my sight, I felt the dreaded guilt set in. It was crushing my very very soul...

I jump as I heard another pain growl from the walls. Leaving the ink machine room alone, I curiously walk up to the door where Joey told me not to enter...I reached for the doorknob before hesitating...

"What if Joey finds out...?" I ask myself, but something was just pulling me to open the door. As they say, Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

So with a confident nod, I slowly push open the door and peaked inside. I walk in the room, closing the door behind me. I looked around but saw nothing, then again it's dark as hell in here. Like not a single light was seen.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now