Chapter 30

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I let out a soft grumble as I felt my sore body wake up from the slumber I was put under. I wince slightly as the light above me glared into my eyes, making me wake up even more. With a weakened cough, I lift myself up from...a bed...?

"That's...not where I remember passing out..." I mutter as I observe my surroundings. Definitely haven't been here before...My backpack and weapon was over on the floor beside me. Strange...

I jump as the door handle jiggled and was surprised to see Porter. He peaked his head in and noticed I was awake. He waved at me and called out to the others. At that moment Bendy and Edgar burst through the door as they jumped onto the bed, hugging me.

"Wow! Hey guys...Must have worried ya huh?" I pat their heads as they nod with teary faces. Audrey walked over and punched my shoulder making me hiss in pain.

"Dont do that!! You scared the hell out of us!!" She scolded

"Yeah I deserve that.." I chuckle as I rub my double sore arm. Charley and Barley who seemed to be silently speaking to each other then came in the room and I perk up.

"Oh, Charley...You doing ok? I never got the chance to introduce myself properly...I'm
Y/n by the way." I ask the new reformed toon. He gives me a grateful smile as well as a thumbs up. I looked at Porter tilting my head.

"How did you get here? Were are we?? And what happened??" I start firing questions and Porter giggles softly.

"Wow! Slow down there Y/w/n! You just woke up, take it easy!" He laughs and I relax back into the bed.

"To answer one of your questions, this is my hide out! Well one of them at least...but this place is my main one!! Since I travel so often I have more than one!" Porter exclaimed brightly and I give a simple nod. I guess that also explains why he's here then. I turn my head to make eye contact with Audrey. She sighs and sits down at the end of the bed.

"You ended up passing out once you reformed Charley. You were already terribly exhausted and that must have been your limit. Oh uh...Also..." Audrey trailed off a bit.

"Also what...?" I awaited for to continue her train of thoughts. She looked at me with a nervous expression.

"Well nothing bad happened! But as soon as you passed out...I had to flip the switch up there quickly. It was difficult due to all the lost ones, but the toons helped with distracting. But when I returned to you...Well..The ink Demon decided to show himself. He was really pissed off when he saw me holding your unconscious body. If it wasn't for Porter I don't know if we would have survived. Those poor lost ones had to deal with his wrath..." She continues waving her hands and I let out a sigh.

Again, why does Benicio have such a issue with Audrey?? Is there something I'm not connecting or am I just not seeing the bigger picture. I shake my head, that doesn't matter right now. We need to get a move on to the elevator.

"We need to start moving..." I hiss as I stand up from the bed. My tail behind me swaying slightly. Porter looked down and kicked his feet, almost like a disappointed child.

"Well if that's what you want...I haven't had company in a LONG while...And old man like me doesn't get mush visitors...." He said with a mumble. I felt a tug on my shirt and looked down at the pleading eyes of Edgar and Bendy. It seems I have been outvoted.

"Alright...We can stay for a little longer." I smile and the two childish toons cheered. Porter clapped his hands happily at the news.

"Oh wonderful! I'll make everyone some of my favorite soup!! Bacon Soup!!" Porter cheered, leaving the room with a pep in his step.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now