Chapter 14

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My eyes shot open with panic and I immediately set up on my cot. Panic breathes we're heard from me as I stared at my shaky hands. What the hell kind of dream was that?!

"Wow geez!! Didn't mean to spook ya!!" Bendy's voice was heard from beside me. I look to him in panic and he flinched at my disheveled look.

"Sorry!! Honest!!" He said feeling guilty for waking me up like that. I groan and shake my head before giving the cheeky demon a small glare.

"Has anyone ever told you to not wake up a sleeping old person? You could have given me heart attack..." I mumble out, standing up from the cot, before wincing at the burning sensation in my arm.

The ink was bubbling and I watched as even more ink travelled through my once normal veins. It's getting worse...

"Y/n you're not THAT old, we're both only 47. Stop being dramatic." I hear Henry tell me from the other side of the planks. I roll my eyes and just walk up to the little opening, Henry joining on the other side.

"So I see little man over here decided sleep with you huh?" Henry asks leaning on the boards.

"Hey!! Watch it old bastard!! I may be little but I'll still kick your ass-OW!!" Bendy yelps as I whack his head

"Language young man." I scold and he pouts

"You cuss all the time..." Bendy mutters with a glare

"Because I'm an adult. Until you're at least 50, then you can cuss." I glare back.

"Oh my god, it's like having two Y/n's fighting each other Jesus." Henry chuckles and we turn our glare on him.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Bendy shouts and Henry let's put a little laugh.

"Believe it or not, but Y/n was just like you when they were younger. Short, stubborn, angry, and would cuss like a sailor....then again they're still like that..." Henry muttered with a smirk

"Go to hell Henry." I say with a blank face as I flipped him the bird.

"Already here." He shrugged with a smug ass look on his face. We all stop as we heard a soft humming, it was coming from Allison. It was very pretty in my opinion. I smile, I remember that song.

"You're humming is very pretty Mrs. Allison." I tell her and she stops.

"Allison is fine, no need for formalities, and...Thanks." She told me with a small sad smile

I look around the room I was being held 'captive' and sigh, "Are you gonna let me out of here anytime soon?"

"I would love too...but...down here strangers aren't good things. You may be a friend of Henry's and Bendy's and I wanna be friends with you too, but how do Tom and I know to trust you?" She explained to me.

"That's understandable." I sigh as I continued to watch her write on the walls. That was until Tom came barging into the room with his forever blank face. He seemed to be carrying Bacon soup cans.

"Ah Tom, glad you're back." Henry smiled, Tom only glared at him, which Henry nervously backed away from him.

I heard a tiny grumble to my right and realized it was coming from Bendy. He was hungry. I would make him something from my arm's like Allison said. How do I know to trust them? I don't think revealing whatever is happening to arm to the others is a good idea. So far only Henry knows. Also I don't want risk Bendy possibly dying.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now