Chapter 9

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I slash at the boards that dared crossed my path.  I had a serious look on my face, it was so intense be honest kind of hurt my cheekbones.

But a little pain hasn't stopped me before, even though my side and left arms felt Like someone just gauzed my whole arm in gasoline and set it ablaze. But I don't care. I need to get to Boris and Bendy.

Oh. And almost forgot mention that the Ink Demon was just silently following me and once again just observing my every move.

Every time I would hiss in pain from the sensation of my bloodied side, the Ink Demon would just...pick me up and blast through the walls. Like he was some I don't know?? Dramatic hero??

He would always look to me for approval when he burst through the wall, but I just rolled my eyes and wiggled out of his claws while continuing with my walking. Which was rude yeah, but what does he want me to do?? Treat him like a dog?? No thanks.

A random butcher gang member clone suddenly popped out of nowhere making me jump, but instead of attacking me, he stared in, what looked like, fear. I heard growling behind me and see the Ink Demon just standing behind me with a threatening smile.

The butcher gang member soon left without hesitation. Not looking back. I smirk and I give the Ink Demon a thumbs up. Which he was overly happy about. I knew he would be handy this way.

With that little issue put aside, we moved on. But it was starting to get chilling with the constant breaking I heard from the Ink Demon. So what do I do? Strike up a friendly, or friendly as I could be with all this stress, conversation!!

"So uh...How'd ya find me?? You know after the whole elevator fiasco...?" I ask awkwardly

"Įt wâśñ't härd...Âńÿøñê çöūłd'vê hėård thę črãšh..." He strangles out with distortion, sounds like it's getting harder for him to speak clearly. But at least his vocabulary is getting better, so that's a plus.

"Hm...You have a point there. My question is, WHY did you help me?" I ask still looking out for any other possible threats. I mean he told me it was because I was his friend, but gonna be honest, I'm still not so trusting towards him.

"....Døñt wäñt tô šåÿ...ńōt ÿēt..." He mumbled, which was awfully cryptic. But I didn't push him any further still seeing as he can still easily kill me. And because I'm not a nosy person.

"Ok then...Can you at least answer on why you've been chasing me?" I said as I chopped another board into pieces

"..." again he didn't say anything. I don't know anymore...all of this still feels unreal. But my inky arm is living proof that it is no dream. No nightmare...

We finally made it to where the elevator crash happened and the fuck did I even survive?? Hell, I only got a minor wound but that fall should've killed me!!

Ignoring the whole fact that I should be dead, I continue walking forward, the Ink demon still trudging behind me. You know I wonder if he actually has a name? Is it just Bendy or something completely different??

"Hey so, do you have a name? This whole time I've been referring you too Ink Demon cuz uh...I don't know if you actually have a name..." I ask the Ink demon as I walk down to Grant's old office area to see if there's anything useful.

The Ink demon stopped following me, which was strange. But I didn't question it.

"Į... dóńt hâvę ä ñāmę...Møšt pėõpłę ćâłł jùšt mê thē įńk dêmōń...Šø Į štūçk wïth ìt." He once again speaks cryptically, still staying behind.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now