Chapter 28

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It didn't take long for me to catch up to the others. The lingering feeling of someone watching was still there but I didn't acknowledge it. In front of us was our next puzzle. There was two rooms, the screening room and the story boarding room. I don't even remember these places looking like this?? It used to smaller...but I guess that happens when you're dead. Things expand and happen without you knowing.

"Hey Y/n, didn't you work close with these two rooms?? You know, being the script writer and all??" Audrey asked me and I nod.

"Yeah. They would always lock the damn doors blocking me from getting in whenever I needed to. It wasn't until I kicked the door down one day that they decided to keep it unlocked." I snort at the little memory. Audrey gives a little chuckle as well before moving into the storyboarding room.

I felt a tug on my hand, stopping me, and I looked down to see Bendy. I crouch down to his height and give him a little smile.

"Something wrong Bends?" I ask him, he seemed to perk up at the little nickname, but he then pointed to me. Now this is gonna be tricky...What is he asking?? Is he hungry or something??

"I'm sorry...I don't quite understand...?" I tilt my head with a nervous smile. Bendy huffed, tapping his foot against the old wooden floor. He then snapped his fingers and started to sign.

'Do you know sign language? Sorry I'm not too great at it.'

I'm actually really surprised, when I taught Boris to sign, Bendy was not that good with signing. Needless to say, he's definitely improved. Has he been teaching himself?? Or did he learn from someone else besides me??

"Oh that's ok!! I'm pretty good with understanding it." I smile softly and Bendy's little tail wagged happily at the fact I could understand sign language.

'That's good.'

"Who taught you sign language?" I ask, even though I know I did, I just wonder what he'll respond with. He looked down for moment and scratched at his head.

'I remember someone teaching me...I just can't remember who.' He signed with a shrug. I sigh, disappointed but not unexpected.

"That's ok...So what is it that you needed me for then?" I ask, referring to him pulling me back.

'You said you were the old script writer? I just wanna say that's cool!!' His smile widened and I pat his head gently.

"Heh, thanks Bends..." I smile nostalgically. I remember when I first met him and how he mentioned the same thing. He found incredible at the fact I was the original script writer for the studio. He was practically buzzing with excitement.

"Hey!! You two!! Catch up!!" Audrey shouts now from the story boarding room with Edgar and Barley by her side. Bendy and I quickly run up to them, only to realize the door was already opened.

"When did that open?" I point to the door and Audrey smirked with pride. She placed her hands on her hips and proudly gesture to herself and the other two toons.

"We did. Why you and Bendy were standing and doing whatever, Barley, Edgar, and I all solved the puzzle to open the door." She said, turning her head to the projector lights. I turn that way too and see three little drawn images of Bendy.

"Well then...Good job you three." I compliment them with a thumbs up. Edgar smiled and Barley gave a smug look. Bendy only rolled his eyes with a pout, he wanted to be complimented too!!

"Welp, we're not getting any younger standing here. Let's go!!" Audrey ushered out, it's good to see she's starting to have hope. The three little toons all looked at me with confusion and I just shrug. Then a idea hit me. What better way to get rid of the tense feelings? A competition!!

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now