Chapter 6

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I'm still incredibly lost. It felt like I don't know....YEARS trying to find my way back. Ok that's exaggerating a little but my point still stands.

But the worst thing is, those disfigured versions of Charley were everywhere, oh, Edgar and Barley too. Yeah. They exist. Not only are they a problem, but that projector thing as well.

"I guess it's not all terrible....the Ink Demon could be chasing my ass." I sigh as I smack a random searcher with my plunger....which got stuck.

The searcher kind of just stood there awkwardly waiting for me to remove the plunger from its....uh face?? Which I did, before whacking it once more and it disappeared in the ink.

Without questioning things any further, I moved on. See, I know I'm supposed to be quiet and all that jazz, but I'm getting real exhausted from walking around and I just wanna find Boris and Bendy to know if their ok. And so I can take a nap...

"BORIS!! BENDY!! ITS ME Y/N!! IM LOST AND I WANT TO SLEEP!!" I shout into the nothingness. I got silence in return, no surprise there.

"God why did I ever agree to do chores again?! Oh right, Susie- Ugh...Alice, said she'll help me find Henry....I'm seriously having doubts about this whole thing..." I grumble to myself still moving forward

"Henry, where the hell are you? Are you even alive anymore? I wish I made you we could've avoided this....I wish all of us workers never met the terrible man known as Joey Drew..." I hiss as I glare at my ink stained hands as I think of what could've been

I tense up as I suddenly hear the same screeching from the projector and see the thing right there lunging at me. Quickly, or as quickly as I could when in ink, I ran.

I could see the projector light catching up to me and FAST. So what do I do? I panic and shout as I try to pick up the pace. DAMN YOU KARMA!!

I need a miracle station, and fast!! Oh yeah did I forget to mention that those shabby boxes basically make you invisible? Pretty convenient if you ask me. But not convenient to me right now!!

I'm guessing today has been my shitty day and everything wants to kill me, because I could see the walls covered with squiggling ink. And a faint pumping heartbeat in my ears that was not my own...

It was The Ink Demon's HeartBeat...Oh I'm so fucked...

I widen my eyes and skid to a stop as the Ink Demon came out from the wall with its permanent creepy smile. It stared right at me and began limping/running towards me.

Well now I'm trapped!!

And I knew I couldn't turn the other way because the Projector guy was that way!! Speaking of that, the projector creature finally caught up to me and tackled me to the ground into the ink, I hyperventilate as I try to push it off me by hitting it with the plunger.

Not the best course of action but it's what I have at the moment...

I shout in pain as the thing scratches my left arm, the grey blood spewing out and tears slightly feel my eyes as I began to grow weak from holding it back.

That's it!! I'm gonna die in this godforsaken hellhole!! Probably turn into some disfigured version of the butcher gang!! Or become some searcher!!

Just as I accepted my fate I was surprised when the Ink Demon pounced onto the projector creature, clawing at its chest.

I watched with fear as I shakily stood up, the screaming and screeching was heard from the two inky creatures. This was my chance to leave!! But I-I can't move!! Fear rooted me into place, leaving my only option, to watch...

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now