Chapter 8

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"Joey where the hell is everyone??" I asked my boss who sat at his desk.

"That is non of your concern Y/n. You need to continue your work. Your deadlines are coming up." Joey said with a blank face, puffing his cigar

"Joey, I demand you tell me where everyone is!! Just because Henry quit doesn't mean you have the right to be an ass to everyone here!!" I shout slamming my hand upon the table

"Watch your tone L/n." Joey glared, but it didn't phase me.

"Then tell me, where is Susie? She went missing when she came to talk to you. What did you do to her?!" I demand once more

"I only did what she asked of me. Nothing to worry about. Y/n, my dear, have ever showed you my little project?" Joey said cryptically and I grit my teeth.

"What? Another project you can't afford. It'll be coming out our paychecks no doubt." I huff, seriously why haven't I left yet. I should've just went with Henry the day he left.  Oh right I can't. I need the money. For my family's sake.

"Oh Y/n...It's something so much more than don't even know...Allow me to show you a world of dreams~"

My eyes shot open and I lift myself from where I was laying. Only to immediately regret it as I hissed in pain that occurred from my side.

I also noticed how my left arm up to my elbow was now covered completely in ink. I sigh depressively as I lay back down in the bed. That's before I had a sudden realization.

"...Wait...HOW IN THE HELL DID I GET HERE?!" I shout as I shot up, and once again hissed in pain at my side.

"Ok let's not make too many sudden movements..." I mutter as I carefully slid out of the bed. Someone must have saved me because I had bandages wrapped around my hurt side. Issue is...I don't know who...

I froze as I heard footsteps come towards the room I was in, I ran to the corner of the room to provide some sort of hiding. I don't know if this person is a friend or foe...and if it's a foe...I'm fucked because my axe is gone.

That's when the door swung open and there stood the Ink Demon. I panic as he looked right at me. His smile seemed to widen even more as he started limping towards me and I just shake silently in fear as I tried to stand my ground.

"Dont come any closer!!" I shout, knowing that's probably gonna do absolutely nothing. But hey, can't blame me for trying. But I was surprised when he stopped in his tracks. He mumbled out nonsense as his inky tail seemed to deflate with me yelling. So it was just us a room...awkwardly staring at each other...or well at least I think the Ink Demon is staring. Does he even have eyes???

After a couple of minutes, I carefully came out of the corner, but made no move to get closer after that. The Ink Demon tilted his head at me, observing my every move, making me feel like I was prey and he was a predator.

"...Are you...gonna kill me...?" I ask cautiously. Immediately he shook his head No. That made the tense feeling leave my body, but that doesn't mean I won't let my guard down completely.

"Ok...Did you uh...bring me here...?" I ask him once more and he nods his head yes. Ok, that's how I got here then, good to know.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now