Chapter 32

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The dark puddles whisper to me...tell me things. The power it gives me is...replenishing....Addictive...

But when that blasted daughter of drew appeared, the dark puddles wanted nothing but for her to be consumed. And if I wanna keep my reputation...I'll need to convince the girl to join The Daughter of Drew....and The Ink Demon....

As much as I despise her bloodline or technically her ink, it will be beneficial to me. I will NOT let someone like her over power me.

That is why I've been hiding within the ink...Watching...waiting...Although things have become more...difficult.

Y/n has somehow managed to intervene with my plans. They do not yet know the truth of how Audrey is the daughter of the man who killed them. It makes my ink boil at the thought.

That traitor deserves to rot. Better yet, be put in his own endless torment...

I know some time long ago, when I was first born from the machine...I did not come out correctly....immediately I was locked away for being so...hideous. I was a monster in everyone's eyes. A mistake.

All except Y/n. They treated in a way I never truly understood. What was it called I remember being this soulless husk of a monstrosity. I couldn't feel anything. But Y/n taught me of many emotions...other than pure rage.

I hated it.

I loathed it.

Some part of me wishes that I could go back to being a blank slate. Then I wouldn't be feeling all these confusing emotions....guilt, regret, hesitance....touch starvation...

It makes me feel weak. And I don't like that.

I perk up at the sound of someone struggling. I rose from my ink as I growl at the place in front of me. I could still smell the lies of that fake Joey. But I was curious on who was making those strangled sounds. I felt giddy to know someone might be dying within my was like a sweet sound to cover up the constant whispers I have to hear.

But that giddy feeling disappeared the moment I spot Y/n's form. It was like they were in another world, breathing heavily and unevenly. The ink upon their body was covering their face completely as they continued to pant.

It was like I moved without thinking as I tried to calm them down. But upon touching their ink, it melted my own. I hiss at the sizzling feeling that was left and stared blankly as the ink reformed around my gloved hand.

Y/n continued to mutter to themselves...sounds like they were saying...'leave me alone'. I didn't know what to do in this situation. I can't get near Y/n without being the best option was to wait. Even if I didn't want to...

Eventually Y/n suddenly just stopped. Like time froze. Their body went limp as their head fell forward. The ink on their body clearing up as some sort of...glow spread throughout their body.

I try to reach for them again, now that the ink was gone, only for some black and gold inky tendril to grasp onto my hand. I stared in shock as it came from Y/n's inky arms.

"Let go.." I growl at the ink. But it didn't listen. Why wasn't it listening?! I am the ruler of ink realm!! All ink should listen to me!!

I was becoming annoyed as more inky tendrils shot out from Y/n's body and onto my hand. They were small and weak, so it didn't take much effort to shake them off.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now