Chapter 13

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I can't believe it...He's...He's alive!! Looks like hell, but alive nonetheless!!

Without even realizing it, I placed Bendy down and ran towards him. Henry smiled softly, some tears escaping him, as he held his arms. But everyone was surprised when I punched him in the stomach.

"UGH- JESUS!! W-what the hell was that for?!" He groans as he clutched his stomach in pain.

I grab his ear and glare, "That was for disappearing on me!!"

"It wasn't my fault I got stuck here-" he cut himself off as I gave him a hug. He sighed as he wrapped his arms around me. Tears of relief flowed down my face. As well as him.

I finally found my best friend.

"There, there N/n...I'm fine. Honest." He said softly as he rubbed my back gently. I could of sworn I heard him mumble a soft, 'Is this real?' But I looked past it. I was just happy to see him again. His arms were shaking as I was in his grasp. I finally pull away and wipe my tears away.

"I can't believe you're alive!! You ass!! Do you know how long I've been looking for you?!" I smirk as I punch his shoulder

"Aw, you care for me!! I'm honored." Henry teases he also winces as he rubbed his shoulder.

"Pfft-As if old man. I'm a cold hearted person who cares for nothing." I scoff, a smile still present on my face.

"You're the same age as me?!" He gasps, offended that I called him old. I could only laugh.

Henry watched with a smile before it turned into a frown. He noticed how absolutely TERRIBLE Y/n looked. Their h/c hair was messy, half their face was consumed by ink, as well as their left arm, their once cheerful e/c eyes was dull, and overall they looked tired. But what he really wants to know is how they're here...their not supposed to be here...

"You look exhausted N/n..." Henry tells me and I just sigh.

"Yeah, says you." I slightly tease and he chuckles.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your reunion, but, we need to go. The Ink Demon could be near." The Alice says catching Henry's and I's attention.

"The Ink Demon? But he's not a threat...?" I mumbled in confusion but no one heard me as they all started leaving. Bendy grabbed ahold of my hand and helped lead the way.

"Tom, watch our back, Allison, you watch the front. And I'll try my best to keep a look out." Henry says, referring to the Alice and Boris.

'So they have different names...? Huh ok.' I think to myself as I continued to follow them.

"So what happened to you Y/n? You look...inkier than normal." Henry asks me

"Well I-"

"They're infected. Ink got into their blood stream...And if we don't find a way to remove it. They'll become a lost one or one of us." Allison interrupted and I give her a blank look

"So maybe thats why..." Henry began mumbling to himself, which I chose to ignore.

"I can speak to you know?" I say with a raised eyebrow, looking at the Angel and she sighs

"Sorry. I didn't know if you knew...I'm Allison." She said holding out her hand to me. I look at her hand before shaking it.

"Y/n." I tell her simply and she smiles softly

"So, Y/n...Why are you here exactly?" She asks me still keeping watchful eye out for any enemies.

"I was originally look for Mr. Stein over here. But I ended up getting stuck..." I say pointing to Henry, who was still mumbling away.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now