Chapter 26

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So I guess we have to find this lost ones pictures. It shouldn't be too hard to find them. I hope at least. I look down at Bendy who was gripping onto my leg. He doesn't look like he wants to go any farther than he is now. What's got him so scared?

"Hey, Bendy...Are you alright? Is something wrong?" I ask him with concern. He nods frantically as he makes a evil face and pointed to his horns.

"Uh? What is that supposed to mean...?" Audrey turned to me, looking for any type of translation. Bendy huffed and kept doing the same gestures and I hum in thought, before finally connecting the pieces.

"Oh! You're afraid of the Ink Demon finding you?" I concluded and Bendy smiles with a nod. I frown at that, not again...Why can't we all just get along and try to make this living hell into at least some sort of home?

"That's ok...You can stick here and guard the area. Like a little knight." I chuckle as I pat his head. His face lights up even more and he salutes me. He ran to the door and made a serious face as he stood there. Oh Bendy. What am I gonna do with ya?

"Barley, you mind watching over Bendy as well? Keep each other safe and all?" Audrey asked the tired toon. He huffs but nods nonetheless. Speaking of tired toon, I should probably leave my bag here. Don't need Edgar getting injured. With that in mind, I took off my bag and placed it down.

"Behave alright? And Barley. You're in charge." I tell Barley before standing up. Bendy gave me a shocked face before pouting like a child. Barley just smirked as he rubbed it in Bendy's face with a smug look. I roll my eyes with smile as I left the three toons together. Hopefully they won't cause a fuss. Not doubt they will. I mean in the comics and show, the Butcher Gang is Bendy's number 1 enemies. But we'll just have to see I guess.

I walked over and opened another caution door, and of course, made sure to be cautious. Audrey and I walked through, passing by some type of machinery. I think it helps pump the ink through out the studio but that's just my guess. There was one room and we couldn't do anything but turn around due to there being a massive abyss in the floorboards.

"Y/n, There's a vent over here!!" I hear Audrey call out and she was indeed correct. There was a vent.

"Good eye kid!! Let's where this leads us." I smirk as I take lead first in the vent. It was slightly dark in the vent system, but thankfully there was some light. I spotted the end of the vent and I sighed in relief. Thank god, my back was staring to hurt. I get out of the vent and I stretched out my limbs.

"Boy that's not nice on my bones..." I groan and Audrey snickers. She pats my back and I give her a blank look.

"For what it's worth, you look very young for your age." She says and I roll my eyes with a snort.

"Yeah thanks. But for the sake of my back, you're gonna have to do the vent crawling." I sigh and she nods her head in understanding. Audrey walked in front of me and slammed her pipe onto the lock, breaking open the door.

The two of us jump as the lights that were once shining flickered off, and a rumbling sound was heard. Audrey backed up in fear and I quickly grabbed my axe, standing in front of Audrey as my tail wrapped around us protectively.

"The Dark Puddles awaken..." A deep growling was heard from the dark and I tense. Is that...? It can't be...He sounds too different...

"Who was that?!" Audrey whispered fearfully to me and I snap my attention towards her. It went silent for a moment. A pain in my chest sat there sorrowfully. If everyone has forgotten me. Is it possible he forget too? But he knew me before!! Maybe he only forgot the agreement and our moments together...?

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now