Chapter 42

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I pushed myself forwards.

I needed to get back to Audrey before Benicio did.

I still have some sort of hope to fix things...

But I was slowly running out of time.

"Just keep going." I muttered as ran down the halls. I must have of blindly ran through them earlier in my panicked state. But luckily I'm smart enough to know where I came from. Once again, it surprises me how far I actually ran-

"Wow-" I yelp as I tripped over something. Or-someone?! I groan as I stared at the mysterious figure.

"Charley...?" I whispered as I noticed it was the reformed Charley from long ago. Behind him was Edgar and Barley.

They looked terrified.

Edgar widen his pie-cut eyes, practically tackling my leg in a gripping hug. I crouch down to them as they huddled close.

"Guys!! It's good to see you...Are you ok? What's happening?" I ask with a concerned tone as I checked them over for any possible new injuries. But they didn't answer me as they continued to huddle closer. That's when it hit me.

A Keeper came slithering around the corner. Huffing in a blind rage. Screeching and wanting nothing but to tear the poor butcher gang into pieces.

Not on my watch.

"Get behind me." I tell the three toons with a stern look. They complied, hiding behind my legs. The keeper screeched louder as it came for me, now that I was in its sight. I get in a lunging position, letting my ink swell as it bubbled. I decided to try something different.

"EAT THIS SUCKER!!" I create a My own Tommy gun, shooting bullets at the Keeper. Hitting my target all over. One striking it in the head, killing it immediately. But it wasn't always just one. Of fucking course it couldn't be easy. I grit my teeth in frustration.

"I don't have time for this..."

My yellow veins began to glow brighter and brighter. The same inky tendrils shot from my back as I picked the other keeper up, bringing close to me as it struggled.

"You're in my way." I scoffed, before ripping it in two. The keeper screeches as it tried to crawl, despite having no way to stand. I bend down, slamming my hand on the keeper, watching in satisfaction as it reformed into what it was before. Just mounds and piles of ink...

The Butcher Gang were a bit shock with how...harsh Y/n was being. But they were too grateful to care. Those keepers has been chasing them around for a while, and they fear without Y/n's help. They would have been goners...

I huffed a bit, feeling my senses returning to me. I shake my head a bit, trying to clear my thoughts as I wiped off the ink of the Keepers off my own ink.

"You three ok?" I ask, slightly turning my head to them, but keeping my back to them. They all silently nodded, giving me eyes of gratefulness.

"Good...Then find some place safe." I mumble as I began to take a step forward again, only to hear a familiar peppy laugh.

"Not even a hello for me?"

"Porter?" I furrow my eyebrows as the cheery old lost one came walking over.

"And Heidi!!" Heidi giggled as she skipped over from behind him. What are they doing here?

"By your face, It looks like your confused." Porter chuckled

"Yeah I am-But I don't have to chat. I need to get to Audrey." I told them apologetically

"That's actually why we're here!!" Heidi giggled once more, confusing me forward as the Butcher Gang joined their side.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now