Chapter 29

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After Porter left, Audrey just looked at her hand in confusion. She looked at me as if I knew anything about how to use the ability.

"Dont look at me. I have abilities of my own, but I still have no clue how to really work them correctly. All I can tell you is too let the power flow through you." I assure her and she nods.

Bendy, Edgar, Barley, and I all watch silently as Audrey held out her hand. Her arm seemed to glow brighter and brighter, before she moved from our side to the other side. Kind of like she teleported.

"HAHA!! Yes!! I did it!!" Audrey cheered happily and I give her a little applause. The toons also clapping for her with smiles.

"Good job kid!! Knew you could do it!!" I give her a thumbs up and she smiles. That's when a look of realization hit her.

"How are you guys gonna get across though??" She said glancing down the seemingly endless abyss. I shrug. But then a idea that came up in my mind made me smirk. Which made everyone nervous.

"I have a plan to get the toons across. Can you catch?" I say cryptically and Audrey nods hesitantly.

"Why is that important to know...?" She asks before widening her eyes as I pick up Barley. Barley freaked out as I got prepared to launch him.

"You'll be fine trust me. I'm a pretty good thrower. Audrey!! You better be able to catch him!!" I shout over at the confused girl and Barley just contemplated his life, praying to whatever god that could hear him that he won't die.

"Y/n I don't think this-"

"GO LONG!!" I cut her off and toss Barley over to her. Barley silently screamed and Audrey panicked as she quickly held her hands out, and caught him.

"Oh my god...I think I just had a heart attack..." Audrey muttered as she shakily placed down Barley. Who flopped on his face. Eh...he'll be fine.

"Who's next?" I turn to Edgar and Bendy. Bendy tensed and pushed Edgar forward. Edgar looked at him with an offended glare, and was about to retaliate, only for me to pick him up.

"Brave one you are Edgar. Get ready little guy. HERE COMES EDGAR AUDREY!!" I shout over to the already perplexed woman.

"Please no..." Audrey sighed as she got ready to catch Edgar, who was nervously waiting for him to take flight. I reel my hand back and then threw Edgar forwards, who flapped his legs like they were gonna make him fly. Audrey almost missed the catch, but she managed to jump up and catch him.

"Alright Bendy. You're next." I smirk and Bendy's tail bent down behind him as he nervously smiled, backing up into a corner. I grabbed him quickly before he could run, even though he had nowhere to go, and held him as he squirmed.

"Come on Bends. You'll be fine!! Stop being such a scaredy cat." I grumble as Bendy continued to throw a fit. He finally stopped as he realized that he wasn't gonna get anywhere, seeing that I am stronger than him. And like the other two times, I threw Bendy and Audrey caught him with ease.

"See wasn't that bad now was it?!" I smirk as Bendy just rolled his eyes with a huff. Audrey looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"So how are you gonna get over here then?" She asks and I smirk even wider. I crack my knuckles and throw my bag over there next to Audrey. I don't need it dragging me down. I then take steps backwards.

"Y/n...Please tell me your not gonna jump across." Audrey said worriedly

"Ok. I'm not gonna jump across." I chuckle as I get into a running position. The toons took a step back, to create some room and distance for Y/n. They knew that Y/n wasn't kidding.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now