Chapter 35

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I was taken aback by the fact I was in a new area...there was door behind me saying exit. But knowing my luck with was most likely locked...

"Over here!! Come have a seat. This won't take long." I perk up at the voice of Joey. I was a little pissed off at the fact he just transported me to some random place without my permission, but I let it go. Slowly I walked forward...observing the new scenery...this place looked really bad in shape. Of course ink was everywhere to be seen.

I've never seen this before...yet it gives me a weird sense of déjà vu...are we still in the studio?? And that voice I heard...who did it belong to? Shaking my head, ridding my thoughts away, I finally reach where Joey was waiting and I sat down in the chair.

"Now tell me why I'm here Joey." I sternly demanded. I don't have time for these types of distractions...Y/n and Bendy need me to get out of the city. Am I even in the city anymore??

"Where even are we??" I ask looking around again. Joey started up the projector with a some sort of reminiscent look to his old face.

"A very old place...full of memories. Never mind all that!! There's a little story you need to hear...Ready? Here we go." He said as the projector turned on and turned my attention to the screen. All of this makes me feel so anxious. Like there's something like I'm gonna regret knowing...

"Once Upon a time Audrey, there was a bitter old man...Who had lost just about everything..." Joey said only above a whisper.

"Joey." I stated looking at him. He nodded.

"Right. The REAL Joey Drew. He blamed everyone but himself for his mistakes. But mostly he blamed his old business partner for abandoning their work years and years ago...A man by the name of Henry Stein...A great artist and a good friend..." Joey said with a little bit of a sad tone. I felt a little sympathy for him, sure the real Joey was horrible but this Joey seems like he regrets it.

"In his anger, Joey used an evil machine to create another world...A world made of paper and Ink...Where he'd torment his own version of Henry forevermore. But one day...a miracle happened!! An Angel came into Joey's life. A young woman by the name of Allison Pendle." He begun to smile. Wait Allison? Isn't that what Y/n calls Alice? Are they...the same person? It can't just be a coincidence....

"She didn't visit often. But when she did, she saw something good in Joey no one else could. Including himself. Through their friendship he began to see the world with better eyes...So one day, in Joey's cartoon cycle of hatred, he gave Henry an Angel of his own. To guide him when things were most dark...To always provide hope..." He lightheartedly smiled at thought of his dear friend Allison. I could feel the joy radiating off of him. It was nice to see Allison could take the evil out of people and turn it into something good.

Of course moments of happiness doesn't last long in hellhole like this place...because Joey frowned and looked at me with hesitation. It made me...upset. Anxious and afraid if you will. Like I know something is wrong but I don't know what exactly.

"Audrey...I'm gonna tell you something dark from my...cruel self...Just remember that I am not him, and that...Joey wasn't in the right state of mind at this time..." Joey's memory said as he shakily continued. I could feel every nerve in my body shutter in apprehension.

"Before Mrs. Pendle saved Joey from his dark days...There was another employee, another dear friend of his, who wouldn't take his abuse anymore...This person was friends with Henry since childhood and Joey already losing him...he couldn't bare losing another great worker...and friend...They stormed into his office, demanding to raise their pay..." He trailed off for a moment as the images from the projector switched.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now