Chapter 34

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Finally. We were out of the nasty sewers. God. If I wasn't a dead recreation, I would love a shower. Audrey broke open the door with her pipe as I carried Bendy in my bag. He was beginning to get tired from walking, so he's taking a small break. With those short legs of his, I wouldn't blame him.

"Wow. Audrey am I crazy or is that-"

"A giant city in the studio?'re not the only one..." She finished for me as she broke open the other door. Holy...How is this even possible? Was I really gone long enough for a CITY to be built??

"How big is this place??" Audrey mumbled as she stared out the window.

"Beats me. I've never seen this place before. And it definitely wasn't here when I was around..." I shrugged, but I couldn't help but admire the view. Bendy cracked opened his eyes and perked up at the sight of the city. He jumped out of my bag, and onto the couch as he stared at the city with wide pie cut eyes.

"Maybe the old gent building is down here somewhere...?" Audrey asked me unsurely. Bendy whipped his head around and shook his head with a frown. Before covering his eyes.

"What's wrong Bends? Is it a bad place...?" I ask him with concern as I rub his back gently. But he continued to cower.

"It's ok. We won't let anything happen to you. We'll go one step at a time. Just us three. Let's see what we can find." Audrey comforted and Bendy looked up at her, before nodding. She patted his head, and began walking away to open another door.

Bendy turned to me and made grabby hands. I snort as I pick him up and place him back in my bag, where he curled up leaning on my shoulder. He's so spoiled.

Audrey and I began making our way down, so we could get to the city. I couldn't help but have the gut feeling that, something wrong was gonna happen. Yet, I can't pinpoint what exactly. It doesn't help that I feel like I'm being watched by Benicio after the whole amok follower fiasco. If he was following us then, there's a chance he's following us now.

Bendy poked my cheek, and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He had small tired smirk on his face as he began to sign to me once more.

'So do you have a thing for the Ink Demon?'

I almost did a double take at his question. Where was that coming from all of sudden?! My face began to flush slightly as I give Bendy a bewildered look. He seem to take it differently, and smirked even more as he poked my cheek again.

'Oh you so totally do.' He signed and silently giggled with a evil glint in his eyes. I roll my eyes and nudged his hands away from my face.

"Hush it. We don't have time for your silly little pranks." I grumble with embarrassment. I don't know why such a question got me feeling like this. Especially when it's not true. Right?

'You know...he cares for you. Really he does.' Bendy signed with a small frown. I raise my eyebrow at him with disbelieving expression. He sighed silently.

'When I was...when WE were being forced to be put together. I could feel what he was feeling...anger, sadness, and...worry. Emotions YOU taught him.' Bendy signed and I was surprised with how sentimental he was being. Usually he doesn't take things this seriously...

'When it failed, and we were put into cages. I remember asking him why? Why did he feel all these things? What made you like this? He...he told me everything. From the beginning to the end. With Joey...and you...' My eyes widen. That's right...I don't think I've EVER told Bendy or the others about how I died. They only knew that I was dead. That was it.

That means Benicio...he...

'I'm sorry Y/n. I'm so so sorry Joey did that to you. You didn't deserve it....'

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now