Chapter 7

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It took a lot longer than I thought it would, which in my current situation, is not good!! Every time and snuck up on those swollen ones they'd somehow see me and run away!!

But it was all over, and I swear TO GOD. That if that damn Angel makes me do another fucking chore I'm actually gonna lose it.

I think this infection has been making more's not good. It makes me feel Especially when every once in a while soft whispers rang in the back of my head.

I returned to the elevator, where low and behold!! Boris and Bendy were just sitting there waiting for me. Bendy perked up at my presence and cringed at my very visible pissed off face.

"So how-"

"I DONT want to talk about it." I say through gritted teeth as I hit the button.

"How sickening!! Makes my skin crawl!! But...the task is done. Bring me back my equipment, please~"

"How about I shove this equipment up your-" I cut myself off with groan. I really need to rest or something...all this running around is getting too tiring for me

I hiss in pain as my left arm started burning, I gripped at it with teary eyes. It was excruciating!! Was this what Susie felt....? Is this what EVERYONE felt?! Boris saw how much pain I was in and attempted to get close to me, only I flinched back with panic.

"DONT- Dont touch me...I'll be fine...I'm fine." I shout out making Boris stand back in surprise.

Bendy and Him looked towards each other, clearly concerned, but I chose to ignore it. The elevator once more came to a stop, and I made my way to the now expected Alice Angel head.

Well as for walking I meant limping, I was clutching my arm in pain, ink was starting to cover it more and was like my arms was never even there.

I put the tool back to where I got it, and placed all the extra ink into the box. I glare angrily up and the Angel head.

"I swear to god if you make me do one more errand for you, I'm going to just forget about our deal!!" I shout, honestly it does sound that bad of an idea at the moment.

"Oh hush you absolute fiend!! I have a couple more thing for you...You see those grinning demons? Let's remove them shall we~ Ive got just the tool to make this even more enjoyable~" Her voice said almost excitedly

I widen my eyes before smirking, I grabbed the axe and lifted it up like it was a ancient item.

"Yes!! My destiny has been fulfilled!! The axe has returned to its rightful place!!" I shout happily before going off and finding every single Bendy cutout and hitting them

"This feels mean...and it feels so...wrong." I questioned to myself as I feel regret from destroying the last cutout before hearing Alice's annoyingly antagonizing voice

"Ah...Now that was fun~ Oh! But I forgot to mention...he hates it when I do that~ I would hide if I were you~"

"FUCK-" I panic as I began booking it to the elevator, the angry screeching from the Ink Demon following after me.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit-" I slid around the corner and the Ink Demon skidded past me crashing into the wall, due not expecting for me to suddenly change my path.

I would have laughed if it wasn't the fact that he was chasing me like a madman!!

I see Boris and Bendy standing there with wide as they practically see me come bolting towards them with panic.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now