Chapter 27

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Audrey and I walk into a new room, looked like a little drawing area for artists. Maybe even animators. As much as the place looked, sort of nice...I had this paranoid feeling that something was watching us...

I noticed one drawing that laid upon a single desk and walked towards it. I picked it up and gently folded it, placing it in my pocket. I also noticed a hanging lost one...with a stare of pity, I walk up to him and freed his soul. Poor guy, who knows how long he's been like that.

"One drawing down." I turn to Audrey and she nods. The place began to suddenly rumble and shake once more making us stumble.

"My ink swells and consumes...I am the Ink Demon. This realm is MINE. You were born from it. You belong to it." Benicio growls sending shivers down my spine. What the hell does he mean that? And who is he talking too? I shake my head from my thoughts and glare into the nothingness before turning my head back to Audrey.

"As stupid as this sounds, I think we'll cover more ground if we spilt up. Do you think you'll be able to handle yourself?" I tell Audrey and she hesitates.

"I...I think I'll be ok by myself." She smiles holding out her pipe proudly. I smirk and give her a thumbs up.

"Good. Scream if you need me. And, if you here anything that's even remotely close to Ben- The Ink Demon, hiding is the best option." I warn, and she nervously chuckles walking away from me. Probably to go searching through a vent or something a long those lines.

"Alrighty Y/n your by yourself...Let's see...Pictures..." I mumble to myself as I looked through out the area. From what I can gather, most of the pictures were behind some areas. Which pisses me off because I would either climb through the vents or just simply break the door. Which in my case, I'm not going through another damn vent. I mean why are they all over the place anyway?? Having Henry as a friend, he told me he kept his art all in one place so he never loses them.

Speaking of drawing, I found another one that was luckily sitting out in the open. Like before I grabbed it and gently folded it, placing it in my pocket. I jump as I heard Audrey's scream and then A growling sound emitted from the walls and I realize immediately what was happening. My vision got a tiny bit hazy and dark but I shook off as I made run towards a barrel. I pulled myself in, with a little difficulty since I was a bit taller than normal and because of my tail.

I held my breath as the stomping sounds of the ink demon echoed through my ears. My eyes widen when I saw his feet right outside where I was hiding. He sniffed around, allowing me too see his sharp teeth before he huffed and growled.

His footsteps faded away, some crashing and hissing following as well. I sat there for an extra minute before letting a breath of relief. I climbed out of the barrel and quickly got back to searching. I can only hope Audrey is alright...I would scream her name to see if she would respond, but I don't need anymore unneeded attention.

"Oh Benicio...What happen to you..." I mutter as I stared at my hand. I clutched my hand and moved along. The only way to help him is too move forward. There's no time to waste.

I spot another drawing, this time there was a locked up gate in the way. I could see a vent inside the room and I grit my teeth. With a blank face I pull out my axe, and slammed on the locked gate. Sure the locks were on the other side, but that didn't stop me. Within my 3rd hit, the door broke open and I walked in.

I heard a thump and I turned around quickly, only to realize it was Audrey. She waved at me from the other side, showing me that she now has two pictures. I sigh in relief and waved back at her.

"Glad to see you're ok kid!! Looks like this is the last drawing and we'll be good to go!!" I tell her and she nods.

"I'm glad you're alright too!! When the ink demon appeared I was worried...But I guess that was all for nothing." She smiles as she breaks the lock with her pipe and I chuckle as I grabbed the picture, walking up to her.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now