Chapter 20

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I'm extremely paranoid. It's been 4 days since I last saw my future self, before they dissolved like they weren't even there in the first place. What does it mean? Am I going to just stop existing one day? What Benicio? Is he gonna become something more and hurt? No no no, he wouldn't do that...he promised that he wouldn't do that anymore...

"Y/n!! Stop spacing out for fuck's sake!!" Sammy's irritated voice snapped me back to reality.

"Oh uh sorry Sam..." I mumbled as I help carry some boxes into his new little home.

"What's up with you? You've been spacing out more as days past. Did that Ink Demon do something?" Sammy hissed with anger and I snort.

"No Sam, he didn't. I've just got a lot on my mind I guess..." I shrugged and Sammy stopped scowling like a dog. It's sweet to see he cares. In his own way I guess.

"Hm I see. Does it have to do anything with the Ink Demon?" He asked as we placed the giant box into his room. I went silent for a moment.

"I guess you could say that..." I mumbled as I stared at the box before shaking my head.

"What's in this box anyways? It's pretty heavy." I ask trying to change subjects. Sammy rose an eyebrow at me before answering my question.

"Just some stuff I need to make this place feel...homey...Since I'm not gonna be leaving here anytime at all." Sammy said as he walked around his new living space.

"You doubt Benicio that much huh?" I say already knowing the answer. Sammy gave a dry humorless chuckle.

"Yeah. Yeah I do." He said simply before waving me off, "Thanks for the help Y/n. See ya later."

"See you later Sammy." I say waving bye, walking away from him. Now it's time to do what I've been wanting to do ever since that dream...

Trying to Find Wilson and the Reel.

I checked every corner, every crevice, hell I even managed to climb back up from the VERY beginning of this adventure to look for this Wilson guy. But there was nothing. Absolutely so soul of any other human being was here. I Even asked some of the searchers, who were willing, if they could keep an eye out.

Oh yeah did I forget to mention those things with no legs were Benicio's own creations? Yeah so, ever since the agreement they stopped being hostile. They're actually quite nice...kind of feel bad for killing the other ones but Benicio assured me that they were revived and well.

But alas even their help wasn't enough...because no new results popped up...It was starting to frustrate me!! And I think some certain toons noticed that stress, mainly because I was pacing back and forth.

"Hey Y/n...You doing ok there..?" I hear Bendy ask nervously and I turn to face him with a stressed look.

"No." I say simply, and went back to pacing.

Bendy looked over at Tom and Allison, shrugging as if saying he had no clue what to do. Allison sighed as she walked in front of me, and grabbing my shoulders.

"How about you take a break with pacing? You seem a little stressed, so let's just sit down and relax for a moment." She said warmly, leading me to a chair.

Reluctantly, I sat down releasing a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. My nerves were still shot up though, my bouncing leg being proof.

"Tom can you be a dear and get Y/n some soup please...?" Allison asked Tom and he nodded. He walked somewhere, rummaging through what I assume is the kitchen. He perked up and nodded his No.

"We don't have any soup?! But I thought we restocked last night!! Unless...Bendy." Allison said in a scolding tone as Bendy was caught trying to sneak away.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now