Chapter 25

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Audrey and I held our weapons tightly. These lost ones wanna fight, then we're gonna give them one. It didn't take long for the lost ones to spot us from where they stood. They let out an enraged yell as they lunged at us with their weapons.

"COME AT ME!!" I hissed as I lunged forward as well, surprising Audrey but she followed along. I slam my axe into the head of a female lost one, them dying immediately upon contact. Audrey was stabbing her pipe into the side of the lost ones that came her way before slamming them in the head.

My tail swished beside me and I cut off the head of a male lost one. The head falling to the ground as the body splattered ink everywhere. I didn't notice the lost one creeping behind me, but thankfully my tail did and it stab him straight through the chest. I look at the now dead lost one in surprise and looked at my tail.

"Huh. Thanks." I smirk and my tail only went back behind me. Audrey and I came down to one last lost one. She cowered in fear as she stared at my blank face and the glare in Audrey's eyes.

"I-I...I SURRENDER!! PLEASE!! D-don't kill me!!" She cowered backing herself away from us. Audrey took a step forward to end her but I placed a hand on her shoulder and shook my head.

"But Y/n, What if she tells others about us?!" Audrey hissed and I sigh

"You're correct. We can't let her go. But. There's no need to fight someone who doesn't want to fight back." I tell the black haired woman. Audrey hesitantly nods and steps away. I look at the female lost one and get closer with my glowing arms, making her flinch.

"S-stay away!! d-demon!!" She stuttered trying to seem threatening. But without her group, she's too weak to fight by herself.

"Look. I'm not gonna kill you. I just wanna help." I try to convince her but she only glares.

"You massacred my friends!! Why should I believe you!!" She stated her point, which was very valid. I sigh through my nose as I backed away from the trembling girl.

"Audrey watch her." I tell Audrey and she nods, keeping a good eye out on her. I walked to one of the bodes of the lost ones and crouched down. I started to hold my hand out, my arm glowing brighter the closer it got.

"What are you doing to him?! Haven't you done enough?!" The female lost one cried out and I ignore her. I gently placed my hand on the lost one and the ink that formed around the soul, dissipated. The confused whispering of the soul was now ringing through my ears as I held it.

"See? I'm not hurting you guys just for the hell of it. I'm trying to set you free." I say softly as I closed my eyes and let the soul fly into the glowing crack of my chest. The soul whispering a thank you.

"Free...? I...No!! You Liar!! Only Wilson knows our purpose!! Not you!! You disgusting monster!!" The stubborn lost one came charging towards me with hatred. But to my surprise, Audrey grabbed her arm and glared. I widen my eyes in surprise as Audrey's arm glowed like mine and the lost one screamed in agony as she melted into nothing. I took a step back in shock at what Audrey had done. Even she herself was shocked.

"What...What did you do..." I mutter and Audrey stares at her hands shakily.

"I-I don't know!! It just happened I- I'm so sorry
Y/n!!" Audrey cried and I just shake my head.

"It's fine...You didn't know. Just...try not use that ability unless necessary..." I tell her softy and she sniffs, nodding. I sigh as I turn to the other dead lost ones and began freeing their souls. I could feel myself get stronger and more energized every time I set one free. Which I have no clue why...

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now