Chapter 40

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"Boris...? Y-your..." I was too shocked to even comprehend anything. Boris seemed to perk up at my voice, tilting his head, before wagging his tail. He ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around him.

"Oh my god...You're alive!!" I softy say as we hugged. Before I pulled away, "and you remember who I am?!" I smile as he nods.

"Wait you know Buddy?" Allison asked me, looking between Boris and I.

"It's a long story...REALLY long..." I chuckle b for raising my eyebrow, "Also, Buddy??"

Boris tapped my shoulder and I looked at him as began signing, making me smile.

'My real name is Daniel...But I prefer Buddy...sorry I never told you...I had a hard time remembering it...'

"Buddy huh? Well it's alright. I'm surprised you even remember your name, let alone me. Usually you're supposed to forget whenever the cycle restarts..." I reassured him and he smiles.

'I wrote down my days in a past along with it. I followed a specific pattern to keep my head straight. But sometimes it's hard to remember some things.'

I pat his back, telling him not worry about it at all. Bendy smiled at the interaction. When he first saw Boris-er-Buddy again, he was shocked, relieved, and then crying all at the same time. After all, He was his best friend, of course along with Y/n. Without them, he'd probably still be all alone back in the music department.

"Ok so, what's the plan?" Allison broke everyone from the little reunion. Bendy tilted his head confused before signing.

'What do you mean?'

"I'm with Bends, what do you mean plan?" I say and Allison smirked.

"You said Audrey was taken right? We'll we have to get her back!!"

Tom whipped his head around as she said that, giving her a stern like glare, looking at me with a scowl, before pulling on Allison's arm.

"Wha-Tom!!" She gasped out as he tried dragging her away in silence. But she managed to rip her arm out of his metal grip. He turned looking at her with an appalled face.

"We have to help Audrey. I don't care what you say. But she's just an innocent woman. She wants to go home!! Just like us." Allison says firmly and Tom shook his head in disagreement. Buddy, Bendy, and I stood there awkwardly as the two argued. Both of them being to stubborn to give up. Finally I shoved them away from each other.

"You two need to stop!! It's pointless to fight, especially when we have so little time. Tom, I know you don't trust me. But please I'm begging you, help us...Audrey could be the solution to saving this world from Wilson's grasp."

Tom glared into my hollow eyes, and I glared back, not stepping back from his piercing gaze. Though they seemed to soften as he finally let out a silent sigh, looking away. He then gave a short nod after and I smile. Bendy cheered silently with Buddy, the two hopping up and down at the stern wolf's agreement.

Allison smiled and bumped his elbow with her's, he huffed with an eye roll, but I could see the smile on his face.

"Ok. Plan time. What do we know so far, and what we need to do." I ask, getting into a more serious tone. Allison hummed, before perking up.

"Oh!! I know. When Tom and I escaped from the Keepers, there was this secret passageway that we found. If we head through there, we'll be good to go."

"Any Keepers?" I ask and Tom shook his head.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now