Chapter 3

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"N/n what took to you so long huh?!" My best friend Henry shouts from atop the grassy hill

"Sorry Henry, My parents we're keeping me from ya, but I brought you a new sketchbook!! Think of it as a early birthday gift from me!!" I huffed and chuckle as I reached the top of the hill

"N-no way!! Are you serious?? Thank you so much N/n!!" Henry's little voice squeaked with happiness as he gave me a hug

"No problem!! Anything for my best friend. Now!! Let's get started on drawing yeah?" I said as we both sat by the tree

"Well I was thinking about this new character...A character that no one would except!! A dancing...drum roll please!!......Demon!!" Henry said already starting on the sketch

"Ooo that is unexpected." I said watching him draw the little cartoon demon

"Only problem is, I can't seem to figure some other designs. Can't have him being a toon with  no clothes." Henry tells me and I think for a moment

"Hmm...oh I know!! Draw him with some overalls and a little scarf!! That would make him look so adorable!!" I say and Henry nods and immediately drew out what I said

"He looks better already!! Something is still missing though...Aha!! A little tail!!" Henry said sticking his tongue out as he drew the little tail making me giggle

"Now we need a name...any suggestions?" Henry asked turning to me

I take a long look at Henry and I's little character and I smile. I know exactly what to call him.

"Let's name him Bendy." I said and Henry's eyes light up

"Bendy the Dancing Demon!! It's a perfect name!! Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?" Henry tells me as he gave me a side hug

"Sure does!! Welcome to the world Bendy." I chuckle returning the hug

"There we go....nice and tight. We wouldn't want our sheep roaming away now would we...? No, we wouldn't...."

I hiss at the bright in my eyes as a strange voice spoke to me. I began to open my slowly as the face of a Bendy cutout was right in front of me. I also noticed how the little toon Bendy was not with me....

I hope he's ok...

"Ugh...what...? Where-" I widen my eyes as I realized that I was tied up in rope and I began struggling

"You won't be getting out of those ropes anytime soon my little sheep...I must admit I'm...honored you came all the way down here to visit me...It almost makes what I'm about to do seem cruel..." Sammy's hushed voice said

"Samual J. Laurence, I DEMAND YOU LET ME GO THIS INSTANCE!!" I shout and he leans back startled

"How...How do you know of me little sheep...?" He seemed to mumble to himself completely confused

"It's me!! Y/n L/n!! You know me!! We used to work together!! I taught you how to play piano for crying out loud!!" I practically said with panic, hoping to get through to him somehow.

His breathe seemed to hitch as if he had a sudden realization. He took a step forward to me.

"Y/n... what are you doing here- GAH-" I watched as Sammy clutched his head in pain, my hope quickly diminished.

"I don't know who you are little sheep. But don't worry, that won't matter soon enough~ The believers must honor their savior, I MUST have him notice me...Our lord is calling to us, my little sheep. The time of sacrifice is at hand!!" Sammy says like an absolute lunatic

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now