Chapter 36

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I was a little concerned for Audrey. After talking with Joey she just wasn' bright as before. Her eyes had dulled and every so often should would glance my way, but quickly look back down at the oh so interesting floor. But I didn't mention it. I don't think we have time to spark another argument when we are getting so close.

Bendy was hesitant to move forward as he tried to pull back Audrey and I away from getting closer to the gent building. But Audrey pressed on, despite his wishes. I tried to calm him down but he was just to frightened. He was quick to run behind some boxes.

Before I could go console him, a loud thump was heard and I snap my attention towards where-Benicio...? My eyes widen in panic for Audrey.

"Shit!! Audrey get back!!" I yell at her and Benicio just sneered as he got closer to Audrey. She was terrified as she backed up. I quickly put myself between the too, trying to keep Benicio at a distance.

"Benicio you need to chill out...Audrey isn't gonna hurt you. Just listen to me." I begged, but he seemed...not all there. He hissed and snarled at me as he raised a claw to strike me down. My breath hitched as I prepared to defend Audrey and I.

But these lights of color burst from these generators which caused a surge of pain to run up my body as I let out a loud scream. I clutched the side of my head as I couldn't see what was happening before me, but I could hear Benicio hissing in pain before loud thumps rushing past me. Suddenly the pain I endured was gone, but I felt weak. Like something was ripped away from me.

Audrey and Bendy rushed to their friend. Checking to see if they're ok. They were both relieved when
Y/n slowly lifted themselves with a groan, but they were in really bad shape. Ink was dripping down, covering their other eye, as their face was more pale.

I looked at my arms and realized the glow from them was gone. It was alarming. I then looked down to where the hole in my chest was, the glow was still there....but very faint. Whatever those generators are...they are clearly limiting my energy.

Audrey helped pull me up from the ground. It seemed like her glowing arm was faint as well. I checked on Bendy, and he seemed to be doing ok, but he did look tired. I pull myself out of Audrey's arms and limped forwards.

"Come on. We need to get out of here as quick as possible. I have a bad feeling about this place..." I say hurriedly as I walk up the steps. Bendy and Audrey following along, eager to get out of the gent building quickly.

Nagging thoughts pulled on my brain, at this point what's new? Benicio looked so ready to attack...but he looked so out of it as well. Are the dark puddles...making him do this? Or is he done trying to change? So many questions...yet no answers...I looked at Bendy for a moment, he made eye contact with me and I turn my head. Maybe he would know?

We entered a new area with...a lot of looked like it had some sort of...body under the sheets. Ink spilled in the middle. There's no way I am gonna even attempt to look to see if they're people or just ink....

Audrey walked passed me to find the code, telling me that I need to take it easy with me being a little weak at the moment, she still refuses to make any eye contact with me. I sighed and agreed. I need to learn my limits somehow. Though, I didn't even get ret as Audrey immediately came back, putting in the code.

As we walked into the next room. A sudden shiver passed through my back. I don't like the look of this place...and I think Bendy agreed as he clutched onto my hand. Luckily some of the ink cleared up. But now my other side of my face was covered. Hooray...

My tail flicked as the door behind us slammed shut. My already jittered nerves began to increase as I looked at the screen with a glare. I held Bendy behind me, as Audrey walked forward even more. Suddenly a creature came up on the screen. I widen my eyes in recognition. It was one of those damn things that Wilson created!!

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now