Chapter 37

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Audrey and I quietly made are way across the vents and into the large area. I could see the Keeper slithering, stalking, AWAITING a chance to strike us down. To end our suffering. But knowing this place, dying isn't enough.

"Y/n, in here..." Audrey whispered as she urged me to follow her. I did so without hesitation. Good thing too, because the Keeper came around the corner. Thankfully it didn't see us as it patrolled the area.

There was a singular tape in the middle of the room. This whole room didn't necessarily lead to anywhere, so bad move on our part. But, since the Keeper was out there moving about, we'll have to wait it out.

Audrey picked up the tape and looked at it with curiosity. I placed my bag down, and checked up on Bendy. He was still shaking slightly, but not as bad as he was before.

"You doing ok Bends?" I ask in hushed tone. He numbly nods, curling in on himself even more. Suddenly the tape Audrey held was played, and I perk up, listening to what the Keeper was saying.

"Experiment 13...The Ink Demon is successfully sedated for transport...Laboratory 9 is prepared for arrival at the receiving bay. Be advised that sedation will not last long...Bendy is chosen to be the vessel, but his body is too small...We will have to...prepare the vessel for better results...Bendy will need to be tested and worn...physically and mentally...Termination must commence immediately. Wilson expects a detailed report of the Ink Demon's demise..."

I felt sick to my stomach. Bendy told me of what happened...and I don't know ALL the painful shit they went through. But from words alone, I don't doubt it wasn't agony...

I quickly walk back to Bendy, as he kept his head down shame, fresh inky tears falling from his pie cut eyes, over the old ones. I wrapped him in a hug and he silently sobbed into my shoulder. Audrey crouched down, joining in as she gritted her teeth.

"I swear Bendy, we won't let the Keepers take you...EVER again." Audrey said, as she gripped on Bendy's little tux.

I was silent. But I know that my anger was spiked to a new level. When I see Wilson, I'm gonna rip his face off. I could only imagine the torture both Bendy and Benicio went through...the absolute agony of constant experimentation...It hurts to even think about it. And to think...I wasn't there to at least try and help...I was busy being stuck with my own eternal thoughts. Surrounded by ink!! I could have done more...I could have....

No. It would have been impossible...even with my abilities I know that I'm not strong enough to take on Wilson's creations...especially by myself.
I just wish I was there...

"Come on. Let's get out of here." I say nimbly as I let go of Bendy. He once again curled up in my bag as I placed it back on. Audrey scoped out the area, waiting for the Keeper to disappear.

"Ok now!!"

We both sprinted to the other side with success. The Keeper didn't hear nor see a thing from us. So we were safe until it comes back around. We ran up to a vent and Audrey rips it off, gently placing it on the ground to avoid unnecessary noise. I hand her my bag, and this time, I went first.

"I'll go make sure everything is safe. If the keeper comes back, hide." I tell Audrey and she nods. I then squeeze my body into the vent, keeping my head down. Every so often my horns would get stuck, but I managed to push them forcibly forward.

I broke open the other side of the vent and noticed another Keeper roaming the halls. Once it passed, I crouched and yelled quietly to Audrey.

"Ok it's safe!! But be quiet, there's another keeper..."

Then I heard the rumbling of the vent, so I assumed she heard me. Good. Because I did NOT want to crawl all the way back. I waited for Audrey patiently as my tail flicked in anticipation. I also kept glancing back to where I saw the keeper, hoping it doesn't come in here.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now