Chapter 21

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Something's wrong...I don't know what it is...but something is just OFF about today. I haven't seen Bendy nor Henry. As from what Allison told me, they went missing suddenly...

I became even more paranoid after learning that...and it doesn't help that the Lost ones have been becoming more hostile lately...rioting you could say...Benicio has also been more agitated lately as well. I guess I could say I wasn't the only worried for the reel being gone...

Except we're both looking for it for different reasons. I want to make sure that my future self's timeline...doesn't end up true...For Benicio, he's paranoid that someone is gonna use it against him. Especially with the Lost ones rioting. He knows that we promised not to, but I can't blame him for being worried.

"WHERE?! WHERE COULD IT BE?!" Benicio screeched. Ah, speaking of him, there he is now. He was throwing things around in his throne room, making the lair become even more messy than it was before. And I just cleaned it too...sort of.

"Will you stop that!! I understand, your angry. But don't destroy the place because of it!!" I seethed as I try to clean up the broken pieces of glass. Benicio turns to me quickly, probably would have gotten whiplash, and hissed.

"You're not the boss of me you pathetic life form!!" He growls at me, looking down at me. I glare and put my hand on my hip with a raised eyebrow.

"Excuse you? Care to repeat that?" I challenge and he immediately looked down guilty. With low grumble he looked away from my angry eyes. Strange...usually he's more stubborn. Especially with Henry, then again he does that just to spite him.

"...Sorry..." he mumbled as he sat down taking a deep breath. I sigh and sat down next to him. Slowly I slid my hand into his claws, and he tensed before slowly clamping his fingers over mine comfortably.

"It's...Things are gonna be ok...It has to be..." I mutter, but deep down I know I'm only lying to myself. Henry is missing again, Bendy as well, the lost ones are rioting, and I haven't properly slept in weeks. Benicio looked down at me, seemingly noticing my stress. Probably because I was clutching onto his hand like it was a stress ball.

Hesitantly the Ink Demon carefully patted my head, wrapping his tail around my waist, pulling me closer. His action caused me to smile and lean into him. He's really not that bad at all...people just need to give him a chance. Gentle giant as they say.

"...Y/n...what..." Benicio paused in his words, his heartbeat seemed to alleviate. I turn to him with a tilted head as He struggled to get out his words.

"You good there...?" I ask worryingly and he huffed with a nod.

"I'm fine...It's just...What is it called feel your heart beats faster...?" He said cryptically and I raise an eyebrow.

This was something regular for us. I didn't just stay here like some person in distress, even though it's not what I am, I'm here willingly. But, past that, Benicio would ask me questions about some specific emotions. He was locked away and the only emotion he's ever experienced was anger and loneliness...

So whenever a new emotion popped up, he'd explain the feeling to me and I would try my best to give him a solid answer to what he was feeling. This one stumped me though...Heart beats faster...Hm...

"Well it could mean many things, could mean your scared, nervous, excited, or maybe even it could an adrenaline rush. Like if you went on a dollar coaster and you get all that suspenseful feeling in your chest." I say to him and he hums.

"Is it possible that I'm feeling ALL that right now...people can do that right? Feel more than one emotion...?" He asked once more and I softly chuckle.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now