Chapter 2

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I wince as I open my eyes, my blurry vision and the ringing in my ears making it hard to even attempt to get up. But I knew that I wasn't safe...and I had to get out of this hellhole quick.

I groan as reached up to touch my head only to realize the bandages that was wrapped around it.


"I wouldn't move around so much!! You surly took a hard fall there!!" A kiddish Brooklyn voice said and I jump in fear

I looked up to see...Bendy?? But wasn't I being chased by him..? Also why does he look like Henry's and I's very old design?? What is going on??

"By yer face I can tell you're confused. Allow me to educate you!! Let's get one thing straight!! I'm not that Ink demon ok? I'm a totally different demon!! More handsome, if you know what I mean." The little toon winked and I snorted which made him happy

"S-so your not gonna kill me is what you're saying?" I asked still trying to figure things out

"Pssshh- No!! Why would I do that?! I may be a demon but I ain't no killer." Bendy shrugs before smiling at me

"So what's  yer name? Or should I just continuously call you clumsy person?" He smirks

"It's Y/n. Y/n L/n." I tell him with eye roll but a small smile played upon my lips.

"Holy cheese balls!! You're one of the creators!! It's an honor to meet you!!" Bendy gasped as he shook my hand a little roughly

"Really? I would think I wouldn't be so welcomed here with the you know...The creators lied to us thing on the walls...?" I mumbled and Bendy sighs

"Not all people down here would take you being a creator to kindly. But I for one am amazed by your past works!! So what did you do here in this old shindig?" Bendy asks like as if he was a small child who just ate two tons of candy

"Well, I was the script writer. I helped make the stories and storyboards for the show. Or well I used too...But I also sorta helped design you." I say pointing at him

"ME?! REALLY?!" Bendy gasps again even more excited

"Mhm, My friend Henry and I made you when we were kids, mainly Henry. I just helped, and you made out to being the star of our show!! Except you looked a bit different because our boss didn't like our original design." I softly smile at the memories of Henry and I  drawing Bendy all the time as kids

"Awesome!! I feel even more cooler knowing that!! But I'm confused...Why are you here? This studio has been closed down for years..." Bendy asks as I sigh

"Henry went missing a year ago, and the only lead I have of him was being here. And I plan on finding him." I say stubbornly

"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go find your friend!!" Bendy said as he hopped over to an axe, trying to pick it up, but it was too heavy for him and his small arms

"Uh hehehe...A little help...?" Bendy asked nervously and I chuckle picking it up for him.

I chop down the boards that stood in our way and opened the door for us to walk out of. Bendy was in front of me leading the way, and trying to keep a look out for anything suspicious.

I walk down the stairs and look at the disturbing message on the walls...'He will set us free...'

"Yeah that's the creeps Sammy's work. He's some crazy worshiper of the Ink demon. He calls me 'The fake' or whatever." Bendy said with an annoyed tone

"Wait Sammy...? As in Sammy Laurence? He's trapped here too...?" I ask the small toon and he nods sadly

"They all are. I feel bad for them. Trapped in bodies they never wanted to be in. I don't even know where I came from. I could be one of the workers right now and I wouldn't even know it!!" He hissed with anger

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now