Chapter 11

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My arm slowly slid out of the chest of the dead Butcher Gangs bodies, going back to its normal state. Well, the inky state it was in before.

My whole body shook as I could only clutch my arm. My breathing became uneven and hard. I felt my eyesight start to become blurry, either from tears or from pain. Ink once again made its way up and I spat it out onto the ground. And I stared down at it with a shaky breath.

"It hurts.. make it stop!!" I shout to myself as I clutched onto my head, whispering reaching my ears, making things a whole lot worse.

'Help us...'

'Free us...'

'The creator lied to us...'

'One of us...'

'He will set us free...'


My breathe hitched as I felt someone place a hand upon my back. I look up to see the Ink Demon who was comforting me. Tears flowed down my face as I tried so hard not to cry like a baby in front of him.

"W-what's...wrong with me...?" I mutter out with a strangled breathe

"Breathe...That's the more important thing right now..." The Ink Demon said, but surprisingly his voice was much more clearer now, the disorientation was no longer heard.

I simply nod and tried to regulate my breathing, but little progress was made. The Ink Demon then suddenly picked me up and laid me against his chest. I heard soft, almost unnoticeable, heartbeats emitting from his chest.

"Focus on my breathing darling...In and Out..." He mumbles out as he rubbed my back with his claws. He also picked up my bendy plush that fell from my pocket and gave it to me. I held onto it gladly.

It's strange isn't it? The thing I feared and was told to fear, is comforting me...But why? What have I done to earn and deserve his trust...? I wish I knew. I hope this isn't some sick trick that he's playing on me...I really don't...

Eventually after a good solid 10 minutes, my breathing had finally returned to normal and my body stopped shaking. I lifted myself up from the Ink Demon's hold and coughed nervously.

"W-well than...We should be going..." I say awkwardly and the Ink Demon nods joining me.

I grab my axe and we walk out of the room and kind of just...stood there for a few seconds. I look at him and scratched my neck.

"Hey...Thanks for you know...helping me back there. I appreciate it." I say and he once again nods. I looked at my inky hand again, my eyebrows crease as I stare at it.

"Can...Can lost ones do that...?" I ask out of the blue which the Ink Demon perks up at.

"If you're referring to the whole, stretching your arm out and stabbing thing, then no. Lost ones mainly weep or they're violent." He explains bluntly

"That's good to know...I guess..." I huff as I clench my hand into a fist. The Ink Demon placed his hand gently on my shoulder and I look up at him.

"Everything is gonna be fine. We'll find a way to get your arm and eye fixed." He tells me

"Yeah then I can finally leave this place...I just wanna go home...Maybe you, Bendy, and Boris can come with? Sure it'll take a while to get used to but I don't mind the company." I laugh out tiredly.

The Ink Demon remained quiet though, which concerned me, but I didn't think to much of it. The two of us made our way to another room that read: Attraction Storage.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now