Chapter 10

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I felt rage bubble up in my chest as I heard the once soothing voice of Susie...Only now it's just full of pure insanity...

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO BENDY AND BORIS YOU WRETCHED ANGEL?!" I shout, kind of surprising myself at how loud my voice was.

"The only wretched thing here is your tainted body!! It's so sad that you were infected...I could have used your beauty for my own~ But alas, things happen for a reason. Soon enough you'll become one of us~" Alice chuckles darkly making me clench my fist.

"Bįtčh." The Ink Demon called out as he used my lesson, and flipped off the Angel with a proud smile. Or well the same enteral smile he has. It made me snort because it was kind of funny.

"Like YOU are any better you pathetic creature....Tell me Y/n...What is it that keeps you going?~ Is it the thrill of the hunt? The thirst for your freedom? Or perhaps....You're just looking for two little, friendly, toons~"


"Oh hush you voice is very irritating!! But...You better hurry errand runner~ Boris and Bendy are having trouble staying in one piece~" Alice interrupted my words and I could only continue to seethe

Without any words, I began running up the stairs, the Ink demon was surprised by my urgency as he tried to keep up, but it was proven to be difficult since I was ahead of him.

I also noticed the room we were in had chains that disappeared into the abyss below. But I didn't have time to question things when I have friends to save. I was suddenly pulled back by the Ink demon, and I give him a confused look.

"Why did you stop me??" I ask him in a hurried tone

"Į ćâńt çømë thíš wåÿ..." He mutters which confused me even more

"Why not??"

"Łøšt õńęš..." He simply said as he stood away from me

"Alright then...I guess I'll meet up with you somewhere...?" I ask him and nods as he disappears through the inky floor.

With a grave sigh I walked into another room, which had lifeless couches just sitting there, along with some other things, but nothing useful for me. There was also music softly playing, which was nice but also gave me an Erie vibe.

But I did spot a little bendy plush, it looked a little beat up the poor thing. It had stitches over its left eye and it's smile was just a little crooked, it even had some ink stains on its face. I picked it up and looked at it with a soft frown.

"Sure you're a little beat up and different...but that doesn't make you any different from the other toys..." I mutter softly as I hug it to my chest, deciding that I'll keep the little fella.

I Placed it in my pocket, which you would be surprised with how small the plush is. I then take a step forward, only to be immediately stopped by a mysterious voice. I look up to see a fearful inky this the lost one the Ink Demon was talking about...?

"He's gonna find me...He ALWAYS finds me...Oh no!! I-I just wanna go home!! When do we go home?!" The lost one weeps as he walked away. I could have sworn my inky arm sparked gold, but I shrugged it off as my imagination.

"Poor guy...These souls just wanna go home...have freedom...I feel bad...I wish I knew how to help." I sigh as I walk to the door that was in front of me. Maybe in the future I'll find a way.

I opened it and the door creaked slowly. I widen my eyes at all the lost ones in one room. Is this what I'm gonna turn into? A shivering, depressed, blob of ink? Who's soul that just wants to be freed? I need to escape this place before it comes true...

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now