Chapter 22

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Audrey...Audrey...Why do I know that name...?Audrey...wait...Audrey!! It's the name of the woman I was supposed to find!! But is it really? There's millions of people with the name of Audrey...I guess I can only take a leap of faith with this one...

I smile calmly at the fearful woman, hopefully to assure her that I am not a threat to her. I could see her physically untense, as she shakily came closer to me.

"What...What are you...? WHO are you? What is!" She asked, her voice cracking from stress. I sighed and looked at my inky claws.

"I...I don't know what I am anymore...But I know who I am. My name is Y/n L/n. Pleased to make your acquaintance Audrey." I tell her and she seemed to perk up at my name.

"Wait...Y/n L/n? You...You were the script writer of Joey Drew Studios!! B-but that's impossible!! You were declared dead..." Audrey freaks and I simply nod.

"And I still am. I was revived, my soul forever trapped within the ink. It's not all that bad. Once you get used to it..." I shrug

"I-I don't want to be stuck here!!" Audrey screeched and I wince. I calmly pat her shoulder, making her stop and look at me.

"That's why I'm gonna help you get out of here. You still have a chance to leave Audrey. And I'll be damned if I'll let you suffer here." I smirk and Audrey smiled.

"Thank you Y/n...I have no clue what's even happening...and I'm terrified." Audrey mumbled

"It was like that for me too. Though I do have say, it seems like the ink realm has evolved greatly...Jesus how long was in the ink for...?" I mutter to myself, but when I tried to think it caused my head to Buzz and swirl. Shaking my head, ridding my concerns. Right now, I need to get Audrey outta here....and maybe find my friends...

I realized my sweater was completely destroyed, that's not gonna work. I took off my f/c sweater revealing my black sleeveless turtleneck. Which was difficult to get off due to the spikes. Audrey gasped and I looked at her confused.

"Y-your chest it's glowing..." She informs and surly enough she was correct. I look down to see a giant opening in my chest where it glowed a bright golden yellow. Now that I see inky veins have turned golden as well...

"That'" I muttered. I really need to find a mirror. I felt another poke on my back, and I look to see my new tail moving around. It poked me again and I glared at it.

"Quit it." I hissed as it. Seems like it has mind of its own. Audrey giggled and I just rolled my eyes.

"We should get going...I was just about to leave but you came out of the pipe as soon as I got up the ladder." Audrey said pointing to the ladder. I nod and we both climbed up the ladder.

As soon as we walked into a new door, the sound of familiar voice was heard. I glared as I felt anger boil within me. It was him. That bastard for the cause of this. Audrey too seemed angry, but she also still held a fearful look.

"Attention!! Children of the machine!! This is Wilson...your friend....Your Protector...For two hundred and eleven days you lived without the Ink Demon haunting your subjects. I banished him away!! Tore his body in two!! In return...I ask just a little favor...Among you there is a stranger, a young lady...Bring her to ME."

I felt my body run cold. Colder than the ink on my body. I was shocked for many things. Two hundred and eleven days...? I've been gone for fucking TWO HUNDRED AND ELEVEN DAYS?! How did I survive in the ink?! And what did Wilson do to Benicio?! He can't be gone!! He just can't be...he...

"Y/n...? Are you ok...?" Audrey's concerned voice broke me from my thoughts. I opened my mouth to speak words came out. Shaking my head, I just silently moved forward. Audrey following behind, she picked up something but I didn't really see what.

Eternal Ink (Ink Demon x Gender neutral reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now