Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Left Behind

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Chapter Eight: Left Behind

Vhaela Targaryen 

A moon after the chaotic wedding I chose to take a stroll in the gardens. There was not a soul outside in the early morrow besides a couple of gardeners. They all stay focused on their tending and pay me no mind.

I walk along the guided path with my hands connected behind my back. The flowers grow brightly and flow all along the shrubbery. I let out a sigh and heavily breath in the scent of the various flowers.

A sudden dragon roar pulls my focus from the flowers and my eyes shoot toward the sky. There a yellow dragon soars in the sky rounding the tower of the red keep. My mouth drops in awe at the dragon above me.

With the dragon soaring in the sky, it makes me think of my father and my lips turn into a smile. It causes me to become jealous of the rider in the sky and I then forgo my plans for the garden and make my way back to the castle.

I frantically rush through the garden weaving through the path that guides me. I pass the gardeners who are still focused on their work and ignoring the beast above them. My dress sways back and forth with every running step that I take.

The entrance to the castle comes into view as well as the two guards standing in position on either side of the door. Approaching them I give each a small smile and they nod their heads while opening the door for me.

I walk in trying to contain my composure as I make my way through the hallways. There were much more people than usual, and I could feel their stares at me. From my short time here in the castle I have grown accustomed to the looks as I pass by.

Most of the time I hardly noticed but, at this moment, it was impossible not to. As I walk slowly in the middle of the hallway people part way for me and stick closely to the wall. There they all eye me as I walk and curiously, I hold eye contact with a few.

Heavy whispers follow their stares and some even point in my direction. My once slow pace begins to quickly hasten as their eyes follow me up the main stairwell. I was deeply confused about why they were staring at me so, but I chose to ignore it and complete the task at hand.

With the trail of my dress in hand, I swiftly make my way off the steps and head toward the direction of my father's chambers. There were much fewer people in this area of the castle which I was extremely glad for.

My father quickly vanished after the royal wedding for a while, but he swiftly returned. He profusely apologized for his disappearance and told me he was dealing with something rather important, so I forgave him.

He then left for a couple of days on dragonback to deal with something. I hardly asked what it pertained to but rather when he was coming back. He had only just arrived which made me want to go on dragonback with him.

I then make my way to my father's chambers and open the door without knocking. Something my father would greatly hound me about doing but I was desperate to see him. When I make my way inside my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

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