Chapter Seventy-Nine

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Chapter Seventy-Nine: Unspoken Thoughts

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Chapter Seventy-Nine: Unspoken Thoughts

Vhaela Targaryen

A heavy sigh emits from me as I witness guards dragging my half-sister out into the courtyard. She puts up a fight, causing them to tighten their grip on her. My attention then shifts to Aegon, who sits in his chair with a face stained by tears.

At dawn, Sunfyre finally succumbed to his wounds, leaving the King to grieve yet again over another loss. Lately, it felt like all we did was mourn. I watch with a frown as more tears stream down Aegon's cheeks.

He bears no shame in displaying his grief, allowing it to be seen by all. Because this was no ordinary death; it was the loss of a connection so powerful that words could not describe it. A dragon's bond with his rider was immensely intricate.

The mere thought of Cannibal's death sends a stray tear down my cheek. Amidst my sorrow, I turn my gaze to Helaena, who stands by my side. Her own eyes are brimming with unshed tears as she looks at Aegon.

In a flash, they all seem to pour down her cheeks at once. Without hesitation, I slide my hand to intertwine with hers, and she allows me to do so. Once I am fully within her grasp, I give her a tender squeeze trying to offer some comfort.

It seemed the both of them were once again sharing the same time of grief. For just recently Helaena had revealed to me her belief that Dreamfyre was dead. It came to her like a stab in the heart just mere days before Rhaenyra had arrived.

Upon seeing the grief of Aegon it became clear to her what had indeed happened. Another dragon dead. That now makes six in a single moon. Six formable dragons have died at the hands of others. A staggering and unimaginable tragedy.

At the sound of Baela's harsh voice, my head lifts, "You traitor."

Her lilac eyes beam into me with a heated glare as she is dragged before the block. I let out a small scoff at her seething accusation. It was entirely ridiculous. How could she label me a traitor when I have only been loyal to those who showed me love?

"Do you know how heartbroken Rhaena was?" She continues yelling my way.

At the mention of Rhaena, my harshness fades into a soft frown. Besides my little brothers, she had been the only person who had shown me love during my time on Dragonstone. She was the one who had made the years bearable. The thought of my betrayal of her weighs heavily on my heart.

But all of this dissolves as she adds. "Father would be ashamed of you."

In a split second, my entire demeanor changes. I let go of Helaena's hand and start to slowly head towards Balea. The guards have now forced her head onto the chopping block, but she continues to struggle, despite their firm grip.

My gaze darkens into a deadly glare as I bite out. "Well, it does not matter what father thinks. He's dead."

The smugness of her eyes fades into one of disbelief. It seems that her time in the dungeon of Dragonstone has left her ill-informed on the most recent news of the war. Her struggle against the guards comes to a halt as her mouth slightly parts in shock.

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