Chapter Seventy-One

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Chapter Seventy-One: War Crimes

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Chapter Seventy-One: War Crimes

Vhaela Targaryen 

The wind pounds down on my cheeks as we soar high up in the clouds. I turn to look at Aemond and Vhagar who flies by my side. A soft rumble erupts from Vhagar most likely sensing the anger that seeps through Aemond.

At his rage mine increases causing a soft growl to emit from Cannibal below me. It has been a moon of destroying anything and everything in the Riverlands. Countless forests were reduced to ashes and thousands upon thousands of grain obliterated.

Towns diminished to smoke and flames from their traitors' ways. We had hit the towns of Darry, Lord Harroway's Town, Lord's Mill, and Blackbuckle. Those were just the start, and we were not letting up anytime soon.

No, we would destroy as many towns and castles as needed to draw out one of their dragons.

Not just because we needed to kill one of their dragons but because of what we had recently learned. About what had gone down in Bitterbridge. Of how Ser Rickard Throne and Maelor were discovered by Rhaenyra's supports and torn to pieces.

To fucking pieces.

My mouth harshens into a frown at the thought of those savages ripping a three-year-old apart. It absolutely sickens me to the point that my stomach churns. I could only imagine what Helaena was going through.

If she knows or has been shut out completely from the news that travels all along the kingdoms. I only hoped that whoever told her the news was respectful about it. Because Helaena or her children didn't deserve this. They have been innocent on all accounts.

My grip tightens against the handles of the saddle as my fury increases over Maelor's death. He was far too young. Too innocent and pure. I could not understand how the people would do such a thing to a small child.

I feel my breath quicken at the sight of a nearby town in the distance. Our next victim that is chosen to be doused in our searing dragon's flames. For the crimes, they have committed in choosing their precious Queen.

From the short distance I knew we were from Riverun I suspect the small village to be that of Buckle. A village between the lands of House Bracken and House Blackwood. I didn't care though of who it was necessarily. As long as they supported Rhaenyra, they were going to pay the price for it.

I tilt my head slightly in the direction of Aemond and watch as he commands Vhagar to dive down closer to the small village. I hastily follow his lead and force Cannibal to follow suit descending upon the nearby forest.

Then in a bright mass, Vhagar erupts out flames down onto the trees sending them instantly up in smoke. The trail she leaves creates a solid path of her destruction as we head closer to the outer walls of the town.

A heavy breath releases from me as Cannibal follows Vhagar and lights up the hundreds of trees below us. Smoke fills the air and travels upward causing me to let out a small cough from the smell. It was putrid and not the same smokiness that reminded me of Aemond.

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