Chapter Eighty-Four

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Chapter Eighty-Four: Maternal Devotion 

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Chapter Eighty-Four: Maternal Devotion 

Vhaela Targaryen 

I attempt to walk through the halls of the castle, but with how large my stomach had grown, it turned more into a waddle. With each slow step I take, another mimics my own closely behind me. It was none other than Ser Willam, who had taken to closely guarding over me since the near end of my pregnancy.

No longer was he carefully watching over Helaena and Jaehaera who I assigned him to watch over.

Now he was stuck to me at every step, which was most likely Helaena's doing.

Due to the parlay a fortnight ago with Lord Kermit Tully the castle halls have since swarmed with his bannermen. Everywhere I turn, I spot men with rich auburn hair, a telltale sign of their house. It was the most I had ever witnessed within the castle walls.

Especially in my lifetime.

As I walk, the sound of my footsteps draws their attention, and their skeptical eyes fix on me, fully aware of my role in this war and the potential threat I pose to them all. The very thought brings a small smirk to my lips.

Just as I round a nearby corner, a sharp hiss escapes from my mouth, and I come to an abrupt halt. My hands instinctively clutch my stomach as a tight, painful sensation grips me. I exhale heavily as the pain slowly begins to subside.

Ser Willam rushes toward me, panic evident in his voice as he asks, "My lady, are you alright?"

I wave him off, attempting to ease the heavy breaths that erupt from within me. Slowly, I direct my attention to Ser Willam, who hovers by my side with a cautious expression. His gaze shifts between my large stomach and my face, trying to determine if I am indeed okay.

He then voices his concern, "My lady, Master Orwyle urged you to pace yourself. The babe could arrive any day now."

"I do not have the luxury to pace myself, Willam," I mutter with a soft sneer as I hiss out the pain through my lips.

There was too much going on.

Too much that I needed to see through.

Instead of becoming submissive to my comment, Ser Willam gives me a knowing look. My eyes narrow his way, trying to convince him to stand down. However, he does not let up and instead shifts his body weight to the side, lazily staring into my pale blue eyes.

"Don't you give me that look," I say while crossing my arms against my full chest.

He says nothing and continues to silently stare my way. I hold his gaze, attempting to appear threatening, but by now he is unfazed by my glare. It prompts me to let out a heavy exhale before an idea pops inside my head.

I tilt my chin up and say with a slight smirk, "Fine. I shall slow down when you muster up the courage to admit your feelings to Helaena."

At my words, Ser Willam's lazed expression drops into an anxious one. An endearing smile forms on my lips as I notice a faint blush creeping into his cheeks before I continue to move through the castle halls. A soft laugh escapes me, and I turn back to my bashful knight.

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