Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-One: The Sworn Houses of Runestone

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Chapter Forty-One: The Sworn Houses of Runestone

Vhaela Targaryen

I slump down in my chair at my desk. There sits many unsigned documents and unsealed letters that I have since received. My eyes move toward the corner of the table where I find my letters to Helaena that have yet to be sent.

My mouth turns into a small frown as I look at them. While I still did not understand Aemond's feelings for me. I knew that there was no way that Helaena could be mad at me. Right?

I just want to put things right.

I want to understand what happened.

My finger hovers over the letters and I faintly move to trace my handwriting. A heavy huff escapes my mouth and I raise my head high as I stare at the ceiling. My eyes blink rapidly a few times trying to contain the tears that threaten to spill.

I shake my head and make myself forget my current thoughts. My hand moves to grab my brush that lies on the other side of my desk. I instantly run the brush through my silver hair allowing the tangles to disappear with each stroke.

My hair now reached down to almost my waist. It was a pain to take care of, but I absolutely adored my hair. The soft curls in my hair from the braid that held it together in the night allowed the length to shorten a tad.

But it was nonetheless very long. I take a deep breath to calm myself and I put down my hairbrush. My arms move to cross against my chest, and I feel my hand begin to rub against my arm. I can hear my heartbeat pounding through my ears.

A sudden knock at my door pulls my attention from myself and I quickly say, "Go away!"

My breathing quickens and I try to hold myself closer to pull my attention from my running mind. I hear the sound of the door opening anyway and I feel my jaw clench from anger.

I ground out as I slowly turn "Did you not hear-" 

I am unable to finish my sentence as my mouth drops open wide. My heavy breathing stills instantly as I stare at the figure in front of me. He slowly enters the room and leans up against the wall. His arms are crossed against his chest.

"And to think I thought you'd be happy to see me." He says with a snarky tone.

My mouth slightly quivers as I watch Dawsin stand before me in his armor. I then quickly rush over and as I near him; I jump up and wrap my hands around his neck. Dawsin catches me in midair and holds me close as I hug him.

His hand pats my back before lowering to allow me to reach the ground safely. My eyes are wide as I stare up at him. The slight wrinkles around his eyes and forehead indicated he has since aged since I saw him last.

His brown hair was still right at his shoulders rolling in a soft wave. I smile at him in disbelief. I could not believe he was here. My head shakes softly from side to side utterly speechless at the person before me.

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